Well I'm just in the process of upgrading from 6.3 t
Hello Kathy
Well I'm just in the process of upgrading from 6.3 to 7.5 and so far its
been more painful than expected.
This is on Solaris 10, Oracle 10g, with windows mid-tier.
- 7.5 user tool was very slow loading large forms (particularly if they
had table fields on) - this is resolved if you use patch 2 of the user
- Dev Studio is unwieldy.  It may just take some getting used to, but
until I have lots of time on my hands I'm going to continue doing
development on the 7.1 admin tool.  Basic things have become much
harder, e.g. adding help text takes several extra clicks, and you can no
longer copy and paste the name of the active link you're working on, say
for example if you are documenting your workflow.  I'd be interested to
hear other people's opinion of the dev studio.  It could just be that I
need to spend some time getting to grips with it and then I'll never
look back.
- We also got some weird errors to do with permissions that we didn't
get to the bottom of.. if I copy an existing active link it seems to
think it has "public" permission 6 times over and won't let me save the
active link till I remove the public permissions, save it, then add them
back in again.
- Problem with using string replacements to find and replace carriage
returns.  Sounds like this may be a known issue - as far as I can tell,
string replacement of carriage returns will simply not work.  If there
is a workaround I'd be happy to hear about it!
- Issues displaying on mid-tier.  If you have a large field which
displays the first 3 lines on-screen and then you click the "expand"
button to view the full details, the third line of the expand box shows
the top half of the text missing.  This corrects itself if the user
clicks on it or selects all the text, but that's not something we'd want
to ask our users to do so are hoping there is a way around this.  I
think its caused by the nice sliding effect that has been built into
- issues with table-fields.  In 6.3 you could create a table field and
add dummy columns to it, i.e. just selecting fields from the current
form as columns (i.e the ones that are labelled as field type
"display").  I used this quite a lot for temporarily storing a variable
during a table-walk.  Workflow which was tried and tested on 6.3 just
stopped working on 7.5 until I amended it so that it was using a "data"
column instead, i.e. a field which was selected from the underlying form
(even though it was only used for temporary on-screen calculations).  It
doesn't affect all columns, and may only be a problem when the column
contains a date.  I haven't had time yet to fully investigate when it
does and doesn't work.
- date issues where active links used UK dates but filters used US
dates.  Solution to this was to change the arsystem start-up script to
contain LANG=en_GB (even though this wasn't necessary in 6.3) - thanks
to Mark Walters for pointing us in the right direction on this one.
Once we knew what the issue was it was easy fixed.
- mid-tier display is different.  Text and boxes which previously had a
background the same as the colour of the form now have a white
background (but when viewed on the user tool, is the same as ever) Fixed
this by changing the display mode from opaque  to transparent (this
fixes it for mid-tier and has no unwanted side-effects on the display of
the same form on the user tool).
Also needed to carry out quite a few manual changes before the install
routine would work, but that may be to do with upgrading from 6.3 and
with a bit of luck you won't get that if you've gone via 7.0.
As long as you have a development environment and plenty of patience I'm
sure it'll be fine......
Good luck!

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