
If you return 70,000 records and you then expect a user to try to do
something with that huge amouth of information I would adivse you to
redefine your requirements and processes...

When your done with above, then you can look at java plugin and ARDBC
vendor forms. It will do what your looking for.


2009/10/6 Carey Matthew Black <black....@gmail.com>:
> Posting for a person who was having difficulty posting to ARSList.
> Please respond to the list and/or the requester: mayank.chan...@ericsson.com
> --
> Carey Matthew Black
> BMC Remedy AR System Skilled Professional (RSP)
> ARS = Action Request System(Remedy)
> Love, then teach
> Solution = People + Process + Tools
> Fast, Accurate, Cheap.... Pick two.
> ***** original message follows *****
> I am a newbie to this forum and for some reason i am not able to post
> a new thread.
> Below I am writing my problem description on which i would request you
> help upon.
> Problem Description:
> We have to invoke a external web service which would fetch us some
> data (list of records) which would be running into thousands of
> records. The records fetched would be displayed to the user as a list
> in ARS tool and he would select any of the record from the list which
> would fill the desired fields with that data. The no of fields
> expected in return from the web Service is 5-6 but the frequency of
> invoking the web service is atleast 10 times in a minute because at a
> moment we have 300 users using our application. The web service would
> be returnign as just 1 field which would be returning an XML response
> in it. Web Service which we have to invoke, does get loaded in my
> filter and gives a response but the problem is expected records
> returned to us is somewheer around 70,000 meaning a huge huge XML. So
> how do i parse it and display the list to the user who has initiated
> the request.
> So my concern is how do i consume the web service (retruning 1000's of
> records) and instantly display it to the user. After the user has
> selected any value from the records fetched, data is of no use and can
> be discarded. Also i have never used vendor forms or OLE automation
> before but i am more than ready to dig into it but if i could just get
> the right approach .. :(
> So can you please guide me as to how to proceed as I am totally lost
> and do not know as to how to proceed. Does it call for writing a Java
> Code interacting with my ARS 7.1 API or it simply can be achieved by
> writing Workflow in the Admin tool.
> If you feel like helping me for which i would be very greatful to you,
> please revert back on my ID as I said I am not able to initiate a
> thread. Any sort of help is more than welcome !!
> Best regards,
> Mayank
> mayank.chan...@ericsson.com
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