Hello, Everybody!

Currently we´re working in the creation of SLA´s for some processes, but 
recently we found some issues in the moment of structuring them. Some of the 
activities go from one area to another and then they come back to the same area 
and then they close that ticket. Let´s say is something like this:

To measure all this activities, they required each one of this areas to have 
measured they own service targets, so, we created a workflow like this:
Help Desk>CustomerContact>Production> CustomerContact >Accountability> 

And the code is like this:

Terms and Conditions*

('Categorization Tier 1'="REQUEST" AND
'Categorization Tier 2' ="EXPLANATION" AND
'Categorization Tier 3' ="CREDIT"  AND
'Product Cat Tier 1(2)' ="DOCUMENTATION")

Available When*

'Status' < 5 AND 'ASGRP' =" Production"

Unavailable When*

'Status' < 5 AND 'ASGRP' =" CustomerContact "



It has being tested with different configurations but has not achieved the 
correct sequence
What is wrong is that in the moment we create a ticket and we assign them to 
CustomerContact, they appear like accomplished, or, when we validate the group 
in terms and conditions the group appears like separated and with no value. The 
other thing is that when some of the ticket fall apart from this sequence, and 
then is redirected, all the measuring is misplaced, but I assume that's the 
problem putting something so straight.

I know It should be simplier than this, but until we convince them we should 
work this.

We have ARS 7.1
SLM 7.1

Any idea or suggestion?

Omar Sierra Cejudo

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