Thanks Doug for taking the time to craft this reply. You are confirming my 
thought process.
I believe this is the first time your reply is not about ARS, but about an 
application, so we are breaking new ground here :-), so thanks again for your 

About the name for the Release Mgmt module, I guess we'll have to get used to 
and adapt to this terminology, and get rid off old conceptions.


From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [] on 
behalf of Mueller, Doug []
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2010 6:10 PM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: Change Management question


Given that this discussion has wandered around for a while and in several 
different directions, I wanted to
put together a response.  I chose to remove the history of the discussion since 
there were several different
sets of includes with different depths and just start with a clean slate for 
the reply.

Issue 1 -- ITIL is a set of guidelines not an absolute

Step one in any discussion -- not unique to this discussion -- is to remember 
that ITIL is a set of guidelines
and is not absolute.  It does not have an answer to everything.  In the real 
world, there are things that are
simply not practical and it is important to interpret and allow for deviation.

It is a good set of guidelines and the goal is to follow the basic principles 
and directions that it encourages.

However, there are also times to deviate.  Let's take a specific example with 
the CMDB.

In ITIL v2, the CMDB specs said that things like Trouble Tickets and SLAs and 
the like all belonged within the
CMDB.  The problem is that these things are not configuration items (well, we 
could talk about SLAs, but
for sure Trouble Tickets).  BMC decided that the CMDB was for CONFIGURATION 
data and did not model
Trouble Tickets in the CMDB and insisted that they did not belong there.

I know we ran into a number of customers with "ITIL police" who insisted that 
we were doing things wrong
because Trouble Tickets did belong in the CMDB.  "It says so right here.....".  
I was involved in many
discussions around this topic.

Well, it turns out, that by the time ITIL v3 came along, there was an 
understanding that Trouble Tickets really
didn't belong in the CMDB and you will find that they are not items that ITIL 
v3 advocates are in the CMDB.
There is now the CMS which BMC always called the Extended CMDB and Trouble 
Tickets are there but
stored in a Trouble Ticket data store.  This interpretation of what a CMDB is 
and is about is what BMC had
advocated from the start and as it turns out ITIL agreed and adjusted where if 
we had just followed the ITIL
rules at the time, it would have been the wrong direction.

Now, I am not indicating that there is the same issue going on in this 
situation (and in fact I don't), but I
always want to start any conversation with this note whenever there is a battle 
that forms up along the lines
of "ITIL SAYS".  Yes, but.

Issue 2 -- What are we trying to accomplish?

Now, let's return to this situation.  What are we trying to do?  What is the 
problem we are trying to solve?

-- Need to request, plan, and have the steps to execute a change to the 
-- Need to request, plan, and orchestrate a set of changes and other activities 
in the environment

If I take these things, there is a difference in scope and process in these two 

The first is about making a very specific change.  To interact with the 
environment and change the
configuration in some way.  There are a specific set of steps that need to be 
performed.  You may need to
be aware of other changes to the same object and want to coordinate them.  But, 
in general, you are worried
about a point change to a specific object and not about the bigger picture of 
coordination of the entire
environment or infrastructure.

The second is about really more complete planning and coordination of one or 
more changes and potentially
other things in the environment to have a larger scope process.  You many need 
to make a series of
changes and have things like training or data conversion or any number of other 
things involved and scheduled
and synchronized.  There is the concept of a rollback plan (not part of change 
by the way) if there are
problems.  There is a concept that you may or may not get all changes and what 
to do about that (if one
thing out of 50 is not done are you OK or is that a failure).

Notice that the second item here is "bigger" than the first.  There is an 
entire layer of planning and
coordination that is not part of the first.  They don't intermix.  One is about 
"performing" the update.  The
other is about "coordinating" the update(s) and other activity.

If there is not some distinction between what is going on, why would there be a 
need for different processes
and flows -- whether ITIL or not.  There seems to be agreement that there are 
two different things going on
here and there needs to be a clear line between what is going on and why I 
would want to use one process
or the other.

Issue 3 -- What has BMC done?

With the distinction between the roles of the process above, it is pretty clear 
that there is a hierarchy in the
two items -- one is about "performing" and the other is about "coordinating the 

So, there needs to be two different processes because they are doing different 

Performing is Change Management
Coordinating is Release Management

Note that BOTH solutions are tied together into the single overall concept of 
managing change within your
environment.  This is much like the processes of incident management, problem 
management, known
error are all part of the overall concept of responding to user/system 
issues/failures.  So, for the overall topic
being this is involving the "change process".  Yes, this is the change process 
which has two components
that you can use each involving a different aspect of change.

When looking at the ITIL definitions, we argue that there is agreement between 
what ITIL says these
processes are and what BMC has done and how we divide the work.  This belief is 
supported by the fact that
we are rated ITIL-compliant in both the Change Management and Release Managment 

If you look at the ITIL "Mission Statements" (as Chris referred to) -- stolen 
from the ITIL site.

Coordinate and control all changes to IT services to minimize adverse impacts 
of those changes to business operations and the users of IT services.

Implement changes to IT services taking a holistic (people, process, 
technology) view which considers all aspects of a change including planning, 
designing, building, testing, training, communications and deployment 

Notice that in these definitions, the Release definition is "bigger" (no, I am 
not talking about more words, I
am talking about more inclusive and all encompasing) than the Change 
definition.  It includes a lot of things
AROUND change.  Change is the mechanics of the change itself.  Release is all 
the things that need to be
done to get it done.  Singificantly, Changes happen within a Release but 
Releases don't happen within a

So, Release is a layer above Change.  This is exactly how BMC has implemented 
it and we argue it is
exactly what ITIL intends and describes.

Again, don't confuse the idea of an overall Change process with the creation of 
a change or release ticket.
Both are part of the Change process.  Each have their role.

I compare this to building a house.  Changes are things like the framing, the 
plumbing, the electical (actually,
I would argue that each of these is a whole set of changes).  The release is 
the overall process of all the
changes and the permits and the hiring and the trips to the store to chose 
which color tile you are going to
lay and the .....  In the middle of the release process, changes are occurring.

Finally, as for names.  We didn't pick the names.  We used the names that ITIL 
selected for these things.
We implemented the flows and interactions based on the model that ITIL set 
down.  So, we wouldn't be
following our own rules and suggestions of follow the standard applications 
(except where there is clear
business value in deviating rather than just using the standard flow) where the 
name chosen does not add
business value to be different (and in fact adds confusion) over what ITIL 

Hopefully, this note has been useful.

Doug Mueller
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