Obviously David has had to put on his lawyer hat a lot lately. Thanks for keeping us straight, Dave!

Kelly Deaver
L-3 Stratis / FAA Contractor
kdea...@kellydeaver.com (ARSlist mail)
kelly.ctr.dea...@faa.gov (Business mail)
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: WWRUG10 - Technical Session Sneak Peak #3 - User
Interface, Reporting, FTS, and Developer Studio
From: "Easter, David" <david_eas...@bmc.com>
Date: Fri, August 06, 2010 9:42 am
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG

One minor note on these announcements – the present tense language of topics related to AR System 7.6.03 are because the WWRUG10 event is expected to occur after AR System 7.6.03 is released.   Statements like “now includes” in the paragraphs below must not be interpreted to mean that the features are actually available right now (Aug 6th, 2010) – nor that AR System 7.6.03 has already shipped.  They’re intended to be the description used during a future event (i.e. one that occurs Oct 18-22, 2010).
Thanks for your understanding.
-David J. Easter
Sr. Product Manager, Enterprise Service Management
BMC Software, Inc.
The opinions, statements, and/or suggested courses of action expressed in this E-mail do not necessarily reflect those of BMC Software, Inc.  My voluntary participation in this forum is not intended to convey a role as a spokesperson, liaison or public relations representative for BMC Software, Inc.
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG] On Behalf Of Phil Bautista
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2010 5:45 PM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: WWRUG10 - Technical Session Sneak Peak #3 - User Interface, Reporting, FTS, and Developer Studio
Here is another sneak peak at some UI improvements, Reporting, Full Text Search, and a couple of great topics on the Developer Studio and how to make it more useful.  If you haven’t already registered, you can still sign up at http://www.wwrug10.com 
Richer UI Capabilities in AR System 7.6.03
BMC introduced a major upgrade to the user interface capabilities in AR System 7.5 but did not stop there. AR
System now includes major new features including table field upgrades, drag and drop, use of color and images to
show the state of data, new field display types, and more. This session gives an overview of these capabilities for
developers to consider how to leverage these for up-to-date user experiences.
This talk is a must for those who want more detail about the specific UI enhancements included in the latest release.
It will use an updated “uidemo” application to show how they can be used. Topics to be covered include:
* adding / removing table rows in memory
* enhancements to in-line table editing
* drag and drop
* use of color and images within table or tree data
* the rich text editor as a character field display type
* right-alignment
* fly-out style navigation
* AR Skins (for customer branding)
Life Beyond the Remedy User Tool: Why it’s Safe to Leave it Behind
Web-based Remedy applications now have the performance and feature set needed to make desktop deployment
increasingly unnecessary. Learn about enhancements to the AR System mid-tier related to migration the web. Also
we will cover best design practices for “web-first” application design.
This talk will cover various aspects of AR System mid-tier compared with Remedy User, including such topics as
performance, security, reporting, license management, saved searches, browser support
Also, there will be a summary of “dos and don’ts” for Remedy application development aimed at the Web.
User Interface Design Patterns in AR System
The AR System now supports more sophisticated UI capabilities than many traditional AR developers know what to
do with. Don’t worry - the best way to leverage them is often to apply them in ways that users have already come to
expect in other applications. This talk will cover a range of advanced UI techniques that are achievable using AR
System today. Whether you call these “design patterns” or simply “best practices”, this approach helps translate
modern UI requirements AR System constructs.
Anyone interested in upgrading the look and feel of AR System applications to a “web 2.0” experience should attend
this talk. It will covers such common UI patterns as the flexible layout, drag and drop, progressive disclosure, the
visual catalog, the aggregated page, and more, all in AR System terms. Sometimes, just knowing something is
possible can help to make the right early design decisions.
Ad-Hoc Web Reporting for AR System 7.6.03
The ad-hoc reporting capabilities on the web for AR System have been dramatically improved. This session will offer
a tour of the new reporting console, easy query builder, drag-drop-based designer, ad-hoc charting, preview within
the designer, rich export formats such as PDF and Microsoft Office, and more.
This session gives an overview of the web reporting upgrade in AR System 7.6.03. It also includes a tour of the
ad-hoc reporting consoles and functions from the end-user point of view, as well as from the administrator point of
Discover the new Full Text Search Infrastructure in AR System version 7.6.
AR System 7.6 introduces a new full text search infrastucture. This topic will cover new features available for AR
System applications that enhance the search experience. Attendees will understand the new architecture of the
search system, learn the features and limitations, and discover how to make the best use of it.
This presentation will cover:
The new search architecture, The new back end search engine, What's different from previous versions,
How to search across multiple forms, How to integrate multi-form searching in an application,
The new licensing model, Troubleshooting and support tips, A demonstration of the great new features
Accelerated Development using Developer Studio in AR System 7.6.03
A host of awaited productivity enhancements for Developer Studio have arrived, combining new features of
Developer Studio with the previous features of Remedy Developer Plus and Master AR Suite. This session will
provide a tour of Developer Studio showing how to find, visualize, and manage AR System application objects to
shorten project lifecycles and ease maintenance of large applications.
If you live in Developer Studio, this session is for you. Many new Developer Studio features will be covered,
* graphical workflow visualization, expanded object searching, improved workflow analyzer
* search-based working lists, object labeling, printing any object, generating documentation from any object list, preview forms in a built-in browser
Other tricks and tips for power users will be introduced.
Extending Developer Studio with Custom Plugins
Developer Studio has many powerful features, but there may some missing functionality particular to your
environment or development process. A powerful feature of Developer Studio is the ability to extend it by writing
your own Java/Eclipse plugins. Many people have asked about this functionality, especially about what kind of
extensions can be done, and what kind of skill-sets are needed. This talk addresses these at a high level.
This talk gets into some specifics about the Developer Studio plugin API (which is a Java/Eclipse interface).
Interfaces that will be covered include those that:
* allow you to add your own custom operations to object lists, register custom Eclipse Views for additional information, create your own object types
This session also describes technical knowledge requirements, development techniques, and some useful examples.
Phil Bautista, WWRUG10 Advisory Board
_attend WWRUG10 www.wwrug.com ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"_
_attend WWRUG10 www.wwrug.com ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"_
_attend WWRUG10 www.wwrug.com ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"_

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