Larry - The INC creates the SR and the OOB methodology is pushing data
from the INC -> SR and back to INC. I want to add more data push on
the SR -> INC section and am having a hard time figuring out how this
is done.

On Aug 27, 8:46 am, Roger Justice <> wrote:
> On the Incident Rules form have you get Create Service Request checked yes?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christine <>
> To: arslist <>
> Sent: Fri, Aug 27, 2010 11:42 am
> Subject: Data transfer between Incident and Service Request.
> We have both Incident 7.0.03 and SRM 2.2. When a Service Request
> reates an Incident the SR InstanceID field is pushed to the Incident
> RInstanceID field. However, when the helpdesk creates an Incident the
> ubsequent SR InstanceID is not pushed back to the INC, although other
> nformation is, such as the AppRequestID (i.e.: REQ000000009371).  So
>  know information comes back to the INC.
> Based on this occasionally common InstanceID data I can push the
> esolution from the INC to the SR. I want to push the resolution from
> he INC to the related SR. I know I can do this when the Incident is
> esolve based on the SR Request Number. I want to understand how the
> emedy OOB code sends data from the SR back to the originating
> ncident during the creation process.  This is now ‘understanding
> hallenge’ for me.
> I logged the workflow for ACTL and Filter when submitting an INC and
> he subsequent SR creation. I see where the filter
> RM:REQ:OnSubmit_IncidentRequestType_FromIM`! pushes the AppReqestID
> nd the SRInstanceID to the SRM:AppInstanceBridge from. The
> ppRequestID (i.e.: REQ0000….) is later pushed to the originating
> ncident. However, the SRInstanceID data does not subsequently get
> ushed to the originating Incident.
> In a series of filters called in a looping routine, various
> nformation is pushed to the CAI:EventParams form. One piece of info
> hat is included in this looping to the CAI:EventParams form is the
> ppReqestID (REQ000..) number. Is the CAI:EventParams form the key to
> etting the Service Request InstanceID to the INC SRInstanceID?
> After that, I can’t see how the data is moving from the
> AI:EventParams form to the INC form. Do the entries on this form get
> valuated and then pushed to a designated form based on a field value
> n the form? If so, I can examine the various filters that are called
> n this particular process and create a new one based on those
> xamples.
> I know this is rather vague and more of a learning request than a
> roke-fix request. If it is inappropriate to ask here just say so.
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