Hi Folks,


I am finding the documentation on environment variables a little
disorganized and incomplete - at least in the current releases.  I would
love to see a single spot where all environment variables are declared -
perhaps the Config guide as in older releases.


Background:  I am running a Meta-Update script on two different Windows
machines; both English but one with "Regional Settings" set to German and
the other with "Regional Settings"  set to English UK.  The difference in
dates seems to be that Germany uses dd.mm.yyyy and UK the same but with
slashes.  I gather that in the case of a slash a minus is equivalent.
However with ARDATE that equivalence goes away.


I have a running process (ie have done the ARInitialize() and done some
"real calls") and then I set the environment variable ARDATE in my running
process (with putenv()).  This seems to have no effect implying that the API
reads the environment once and only once.  


If I set the environment variable before I launch my process then the effect
seems to work as expected (that ARLoadARQualifierStruct does not return a


This is an acceptable work-around but I am trying to get to the bottom of
this and generalise the facility.


ARDATE is documented to affect only the server but it clearly does affect
clients as my testing has proven:


I am always providing a single format (now) of yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss to a

-          ARDATE:    %Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S                

fails with a 1590  (ARS expected slashes which are no longer equivalent to

-          ARDATE:    %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S                                


-          ARDATE:    not set;    Regional Settings UK (dd/mm/yyyy ..)

succeeds with "-" supplied as a date separator (31-03-2011)

-          ARDATE:    not set;    Regional Settings Germany (yyyy.mm.dd ..)

Fails with a minus as a separator


I am not setting the locale value in ARControl.localeInfo (at this point).  


The questions I have are:


1)      Where is the value of ARControl.localeInfo.customDateFormat
described (32 bytes)  

ie is it mm/dd/yyyy etc or %Y/%m etc

2)      Is it true that ARLoadARQualifierStruct does NOT read the
environment when called but uses whatever is set at ARInitialization time?
So that setting environment variable in the running process has no effect? 


Finally, is there a document / white paper describing client and server
environment variables?  (for example any options on ARAPILOGGING values)?




Ben Chernys

Senior Software Architect
Software Tool House Inc.

Canada / Deutschland / Germany
Mobile:      +49 171 380 2329    GMT + 1 + [ DST ]
Email:        <mailto:ben.cher...@softwaretoolhouse.com> Ben.Chernys _AT_
Web:          <http://www.softwaretoolhouse.com> www.softwaretoolhouse.com

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