Hello everyone, can someone help me with some troubleshooting.

I've imported a small custom app from our 6.3 server to a new install of
7.6.4 on Windows servers. I recreated and applied (hopefully) my main
permission group (computed) and role that all objects have and that all
users must belong to. I haven't applied any licenses to this server but
there are the three free ones that a test user has and I applied one of
those to my test user.

Everything works fine for my Demo user and the Admin user, but there are
many arerr 330 and 331 messages, saying that either my test user doesn't
have access to the record, or that they don't have access to the field.
There were a couple of times when I received arerr 332, you do not have
write access to the field before the record is saved.

I've been able to mostly clear these error messages by setting the fields to
Allow Any User To Submit. This brings me to my first concern: if these
fields do not cause problems on the original 6.3 system, why are they
causing problems on the new system. Am I facing licensing issues? I licensed
the AR Server, using a server license from our license shelf...so the three
"free" licenses should be valid. What troubleshooting steps should I take to
confirm the licences are working correctly?

Drew Shuller
JTF-Bravo, Soto Cano Air Base
Comayagua, Honduras

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