Sorry for placing this here, but i know that this is one of the most suitables 
places to find real gurus and not only for ARS :-);

I'm facing an error that it seems to be a logic error (from myself) or lack of 
knowledge in regards Batch scripting (I've always been Unix guy), so hope 
someone could give me some light on this.

I'm setting a monitor (not exactly, because is reactive)  process on a VM - 
Win2003 pro, for corrective purposes of Tomcat process, itself only monitors 
the established connnections within server and users, and if it finds more than 
80 established connections, will store that first violation, and wait for 
certain time to run again, if it finds more than 80 connections 3 consecutive 
times, then will stop Tomcat Server and start up again the processes.

So far I've the structure of the code but I'm finding a couple of issues that 
kept me hitting my head against the keyboard.

1.- In the monitor log, If I found more than 80 open connections at that time I 
send an ECHO 1 >>"C:\Somedirectory\Sompepath\openconnections.log", but when I 
check the log file found that it writes "1 " (the 1 and a blank space after and 
a return); is there a way to only write the file with a flat '1' with no extra 

2.- Once the file is created the program will read the information and assign 
that to a variable:

SET /P mycounter =<"C:\Somedirectory\Sompepath\openconnections.log"

I placed a ECHO output for that and I'm seeing that is getting the information 
as expected "1 ", and then

3.- I peform the validation against my flag to stop tomcat servies

IF [%mycounter%] EQU [%maxtries%] CALL rebootscript.bat

However, the validation is always true, an ECHO output for this last code line 
showed me [1 ] EQU [111]; my understanding is that I'm doing a string to string 
comparisson, but i can't figure out why DOS is assuming that 1 is the same as 
111 not the same string lenght, neither value..., I'm pretty sure I'm missing 
something here, but can't figure out what is that small piece I'm doing wrong.


Hugo Ruesga 
Software Development Advisor
MX +52 (55) 4353.9802

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