Good morning,


It has been what seems like a very long time since we have "advertised"
ActionProgram Manager Plus, our Remedy-based process and project portfolio
management system, on the ARSList and felt it was time to bring you up to
date on all the work we have been doing.  The answer is "a lot."


APM Plus has a great deal of functionality.  It can run standalone but when
its complete project life-cycle functionality is added onto a typical ITSM
implementation (or home-grown applications - it doesn't matter to us), the
result is a completely integrated demand management system.  This is the
easiest, fastest, and least expensive way to get to a demand management
system because the need for the costly and time-consuming integration
project is eliminated.  APM Plus has also been added to Change Management
for a more complete change management application.


APM Plus can be used for managing all types of projects: application
development projects and operations projects, bug reporting and scheduled
and unscheduled asset outages, cyber projects that are launched
automatically from an event management system and projects that are launched
from your service catalog.  It gives you a central repository of work and
approval processes, and both proposed projects and active projects.  Because
it runs on the AR System, projects can be launched from changes, and changes
can be launched from project tasks.  Projects can be launched from Asset
Management or the Service Catalog.  With APM Plus's bi-directional interface
with MS Project, project plans can be created in MS Project and imported
into APM Plus.  Or you can go the other way too.


APM Plus's unique detailed resource management charts are based on real
project schedules.  Because you are starting with a project plan and have
the dates when each task is supposed to occur, when resources are assigned
to the tasks, you can see how busy they are at the time.  As things occur
during the project, the dates are automatically recalculated and the user
assignments are moved automatically.  Because it includes true project
management functionality, the charts (including Gantt charts) and reports
give management the metrics they need to actually manage projects.  Because
it includes time tracking and expense tracking functionality against all
Remedy tasks, management can see the cost of each service request.


APM Plus is a really robust application which fills a lot of gaps.  If
anyone is interested in seeing a web demo or learning more about APM Plus,
please contact me off the ARSList so we can schedule a time.  We like
showing it.  If you would like to check out our most recent white papers and
other marketing documents, please check out our home page at 




Stan Feinstein

w. 310-230-1722.

c. 310-428-5748.



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