
I have a Java program which uses getListEntry().   I use a QualifierInfo
object to create the qualification for getListEntry.  The qualification
looks like this:

      QualifierInfo qualifier = remedyConn.parseQualification(arForm,
"'Associated Asset' = \"atl01a\"");

Which results in this exception:
        CreateRemedyTicket.getSchema ARExceptionERROR (552): Failure during
SQL operation to the database; ORA-00920: invalid relational operator
        ERROR (552): Failure during SQL operation to the database; ORA-00920:
invalid relational operator
                at com.bmc.arsys.api.ProxyJRpcBase.verifyStatus(Unknown Source)
                at com.bmc.arsys.api.ProxyJRpcBase.a(Unknown Source)
                at com.bmc.arsys.api.ProxyJRpcBase.arCall(Unknown Source)
                at com.bmc.arsys.api.ProxyJRpc.ARGetListEntry(Unknown Source)
                at com.bmc.arsys.api.ARServerUser.getListEntry(Unknown Source)
         at CreateRemedyTicket.<init>(CreateRemedyTicket.java:42)
                at CreateRemedyTicket.main(CreateRemedyTicket.java:94)

Oddly, if I change the equal sign to LIKE the query works:

    QualifierInfo qualifier = remedyConn.parseQualification(arForm,
"'Associated Asset' LIKE \"atl01a\"");  // works

I have other qualifiers for different fields on the same form in which use
the equal sign with no problem.  E.g.:

    QualifierInfo qualifier = remedyConn.parseQualification(arForm,
"'Summary' = \"System Down\"");  // works

The properties for the Summary and Associated Asset are the same with the
following two exceptions:

Entry Mode is Required for the Summary field (which works as expected) and
optional for the Associated Asset (which doesn't work).
Input Length is 254 for the Summary field and 0 for the Associated Asset

I would appreciate any suggestions!

thanks in advance,
Tony Jurado
Release Manager,
Services Engineering
IBM Security Services

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