For you java api folks…

ARS 7.6.4 sp2
Java api 7.6.4 build 2
Java 7

Is there a parse qual method for translating a query string (i.e. ‘This’ = 
$This$ AND ‘That’ = $That$) for the QualifierInfo required by 
 arg0, int arg1, 
 arg2) method [or does one have to embrace the long hand version and write out 
as indicated in the appendix of the C API reference doc (excerpt below)? I was 
hoping that the parseQualification(String queryString, List<Field> fieldList1, 
List<Field> fieldList2, int queryContext, boolean exceptionWhenFieldNotFound) 
method would do the trick but it seems the getListEntryObjects fails with a 
cast exception (java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to 

// Create join qualifier, which is used to generate the SQL query’s
// ON clause.
ArithmeticOrRelationalOperand field1 = new 
ArithmeticOrRelationalOperand(240001002, prodCat);
ArithmeticOrRelationalOperand field2 = new 
ArithmeticOrRelationalOperand(240001002, products);
RelationalOperationInfo relOp = new 
RelationalOperationInfo(RelationalOperationInfo.AR_REL_OP_EQUAL, field1, 

QualifierInfo joinQual = new QualifierInfo(relOp);



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