Congratulations to Anders Wilhelm for being the first to register and submit
a topic for consideration by the WWRUG Board.


As the first to submit a topic this week he gets his topic published here
(yes we still have to review it as a team, but I think it has a "chance" of
being accepted!) of "Feeding your Atrium with data using Atrium Integrator.
Some real world experiences".


Here is what we got from him via our portal app (and this is the format for
those of you who are looking for examples of a great submission - cause
you've been asking us)

Topic Details


Feeding your Atrium with data using Atrium Integrator. Some real world


In this session you will learn how to use Atrium integrator to feed your
CMDB with data from files, database tables and from older CMDB versions. 


The session will cover how to install, configure and use Atrium integrator.

* What is Atrium Integrator / Pentaho
* What is required to install the products
* Installing Atrium Integrator, procedures, caveats
* Some import scenarios.
* Transformations and Jobs.
- Using the built in wizard
- Using SPOON to create transformations
* Troubleshooting the Carte-server
- How is Carte started (where is it run)
- Where are my log files?
- Tracking progress
* Tips and tricks.

Technical Skill Level:








We have had more submissions this week, but I wanted to give you a peek into
the inner workings of YOUR User group and what we see as the best (so far)
year of presentations.  Our goal is to provide you with as much information
as we can to allow you to take this information to your management and other
team members to demonstrate to them the value of Your attendance at the
WWRUG12 this year.


A couple of important notes:


1.        WWRUG12 marks the VERY FIRST year we have been able to offer to
you a FREE admission to the conference if your topic gets accepted by the
board.  (Yes FREE!)

2.       The window for submissions (since many of you have asked me
directly) has started and will continue until July 1st, 2012 (roughly 60
days).  After that NO MORE submissions will be accepted, period.  (we just
don't have the bandwidth to process them after that)

3.       If two of you submit the same topic, the one that gets here first
has the better chance of getting our vote, so don't delay.submit today!


Have a great weekend, keep the submissions coming!


Phil Bautista, WWRUG12 Advisory Board


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