Hello all,
We have built some SRD’s in SRM2.2 (development environment), and exported and
imported them to test. The SRDs are imported in status Draft, we then clear the
Required Approvers and set the status to Request for Approvals and save, the
SRD get then Deployed.
We retested the same procedure with a new database restore
from production, this time some of the SRD’s stayed in Draft with the “Set
using Approval engine” enabled (don’t know the full story on how we got to this
situation sine we have other member of staff doing the installation).I looked
at the Approvers table under Approvals in the Service Request Definition and
see two entries, one for an individual user (LOGINNID) and the other for a
group (SGP00000xxx). 
I log on as the user with the LOGINID and see the SRD’s waiting
approval in the Approver Central Console. When I look at the profile of this
user, he does not even have the Role of “SRD Approver”, anyhow I did approve
the SRD’s and I can see that the status in the table “Approvers” in the Service
Request Definition” form has changes to approved.
The problem now remains with the group. I checked this group
and all the users in this group don’t have any role to start with. I granted
SRD Approver role to one of the users in the group but cannot see the SRD
approval request in their Approval Central Console.
Any thought on who I can approve these or move them to
status Deployed.
Many thanks and any thoughts will be very much appreciated.

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