I am trying to modify Title of a Knowledge Article via Remedy Java APIs.
This is what I am doing in a nutshell. I don't get any error, but Title
does not get modified. Any clues what might be wrong?
Entry gets retrieved properly as a result of getOneEntryObject, but
setEntry does not work.

String qualification = "'302301021' = \"" + articleGuid + "\"";
QualifierInfo qual1 =
context.parseQualification("RKM:KnowledgeArticleManager", qualification);

int[] fieldIds1 = {1};
OutputInteger nMatches1 = new OutputInteger();
// Retrieve entries from the form using the given qualification.
Entry searchEntry =
context.getOneEntryObject("RKM:KnowledgeArticleManager", qual1, null,
fieldIds1, true, nMatches1);
String requestId = searchEntry.get(1).toString();

Entry newEntry = new Entry();
// 302300502 is the field id of Title
newEntry.put(302300502, new Value("Neue Title"));

context.setEntry("RKM:KnowledgeArticleManager", requestId, newEntry,null,0);

~ Nathan

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