Hello All,

I have 3 questions around ARS Java API.

1.       I have a Active Link Object, how do I get the human readable Run If 
Qualification ?
ActiveLink arObject = server.getActiveLink(arObjectName);
System.out.println("Run If: " + arObject.getQualifier());

This prints  Run If: [Operation=1,Operand Left=[Operation=1,Operand 
Left=[Operation=1,Operand Left=[Operation=4,Operand Left=[Operation=2,Operand 
Left=[Operand Type=[type=99],Operand=655630000],Operand Right=[Operand 
Type=[type=2],Operand=0]],Operand Right=<null>],Operand 
Right=[Operation=4,Operand Left=[Operation=1,Operand Left=[Operand 

I want it to print like Run If: '655630000' > 24.... i.e. in a string format 
that Developer Studio shows on screen. So is there any API method for this one ?

2.       Set/Push Qualification returns null, even if there's a qualification 
given. Always return null for all Filters/Active link.
ActiveLinkAction action = any Push Action of Active link.
com.bmc.arsys.api.PushFieldsAction s = (com.bmc.arsys.api.PushFieldsAction) 

System.out.println("\t\t Push Qualification: " + 

This prints  Push Qualification: null

3.       Set Field Action field mapping returns null, for e.g. below code is 
reading assigned values to field. However this works fine for 
com.bmc.arsys.api.SetFieldsFromForm s = (com.bmc.arsys.api.SetFieldsFromForm) 
List<FieldAssignInfo> setFieldsList = s.getSetFieldsList();
for (FieldAssignInfo sfi : setFieldsList) {
                AssignInfo assignment = sfi.getAssignment();
                System.out.println("\t\t\t" + sfi.getFieldId() + " = " + 
This prints  605121212 = null
Whereas I am expecting it to print : 605121212 = $assignment$

Does anyone has solution to above issues ?

I have tried with 701 and 7604 version of Java API on 701 server environment.

Thanks & Regards,

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