
I am trying to consume an external web-service from ARS 8.1
I am showing only part of MessageType which is returned from the
web-service. This tag can either contain string or XML payload.

<xs:complexType name="MessageType">
    <xs:element name="XmlAnyPayload" minOccurs="0">
      <xs:any namespace="##any"/>
    <xs:element name="StringPayload" minOccurs="0">
      <xs:extension base="xs:string"/>

When WS returns String paylaod, returned value of "StringPayload" is
correctly read in form field, but
when WS returns XmlAnyPayload returned value of "XmlAnyPayload" is not
getting read in form field. This field is remaining blank and there are no
errors to be seen anywhere in the logs.
Returned value looks something like

I was expecting
"<Deutschland><Verein1>BM</verein1><Verein2>BD</verein2><Deutschland>" this
to be saved in the form field, but it is seen as blank.

Any clues what might be going wrong?

~ Nathan

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