
As an adjunct to this conversation, there has come up again a topic that is 
asked about periodically -

What does the Disable mean on the User form for a user.

Well, out of the box, it doesn't mean anything.  We always are considering what 
it should mean, but a bit
part of the discussion is what does it mean in conjunction with AREA and 
external authentication.  If a user
is disabled, should they fail in an AREA authentication?  Or do they succeed.  
If they succeed, do we still add
on permissions from the user record (cross-reference-blank-password) or do we 
authenticate them but
not authorize them (confusing).  Or, do we just let them succeed and attach 
permissions or whatever that
is cross-referenced but if you chain AREA and ARS, we would be OK with AREA but 
not if that didn't pass
and we moved to (chained to) ARS for authentication.

Anyway, for those who want to make the disable operation be meaningful, there 
is a simple workflow
technique you can use.  To offer a complete solution, we are talking about 3 or 
4 filters.

This would be for handling ARS validation - essentially using the 3rd option 
above for AREA, if the user
validates with AREA, it is OK and any information on the AR System user record 
that is cross referenced is
used - but we would not pass any authentication that is chained to ARS.

OK, the filters:

Disable an existing user

Filter that fires on Modify with a run if of TR.Status = "Disabled".
Action is to perform a Direct SQL command to update the password in the 
user_cache table to INVALID

Update user_cache SET (password = 'INVALID') WHERE entryId = '$1$'

entry ID is the key we link by although you could also user  username = '$101$' 
as well to set for matching
user name.  Either would work.

Yes, the word INVALID.  This is the same value we put in the password field of 
the user_cache record when
a user is blocked for too many bad password attempts.   This user can NEVER 
login unless his password is
reset by someone else as they cannot login to change it.

(depending on your DB as some DBs want parenthesis around the set clause and 
others do not if there is
only one item in the clause)

Prevent work on a disabled user

Filter that if Status = "Disabled" and Password != $NULL$  will return an error 
that you cannot change the
password of a disabled user.

Or you could block all change to a disabled user or do whatever you want here 
to prevent a password change
for a disabled user which would then reset the password and reactivate them.

Reactivate a disabled user

Filter that if TR.Status = "Enabled" and DB.Status = "Disabled" will run check 
that there is a password
specified (must change password on enable) and that if you are using the user 
password feature you set the
option to require the user to change password on first login for this user so 
that they have to change after
login as their password is known by someone else.

Create a disabled user

Now if you want to create a disabled user, there is a bit more effort.  The 
problem is that the user_cache
entry doesn't exist for you to modify as the User record is being created.

You could just disallow Status = Disabled on Create/Merge.  Argument is why are 
you creating disabled users?

Of if you want to, you need to do something to disable the user right after 
create (phase 3 run process that
comes back and updates the user_cache entry after it is there  or something 

Whether we add this or not is under discussion, but it is clearly something you 
can do on your own system
if desired.  I just wanted to get a solution out there for folks who wanted to 
do something in this area.

I hope this is useful,

Doug Mueller

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