
BMC wants to invite you all to its global user conference, BMC Engage.  It will 
be held October 13 thru 16
in Orlando, Florida.

This will be THE gathering of BMC customers of the year.  Products across the 
spectrum will be discussed
with sessions, BMC experts, and customers presenting and educating.  If you use 
BMC products and want
tips on use, to talk with other customers, to get some training, and to have a 
bit of fun, this is the event
you want to plan to attend.

There will be lots of Remedy oriented sessions and discussions and of course 
your old favorites like
Birds of a Feather and Evening with Engineering sessions.  The flavor and 
attitude of the WWRUG events
will continue.

Sign up for early notification on conference pricing, hotel discounts, and more 
at http://engage.bmc.com.

Please hold the dates and get on the schedule for this event in October.  As 
always, we expect that the
people who attend will feel the time spent has been more that worthwhile.

OK, yes, it is at Disney World (you don't have to tell your boss that 
detail....).   But, even with this, we want to
make sure that there is so much value in the conference itself, that we get 
comments from the attendees
just like we did when Remedy had the conference there in 2000...

"The only complaint I have about the conference is that there was so much to do 
and so many sessions that
were interesting and useful that I didn't have any time to get to Disney World!"

We will work in the usual fun within all the activities at the conference; but 
we cannot guarantee that you will
be able to find the time for Disney World visits (you may want to plan an extra 
day or two in your trip to
ensure there is time for that).

Even though we are just announcing the event, we already have a special kudos 
to go out to one of our
Remedy community members.  Scott Thatcher from Solvay Information Services 
helped us with the name of
the conference.  He will receive one free full conference pass.  
Congratulations Scott, and thanks for the

We look forward to seeing you all in October.

Doug Mueller for the BMC team

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