
We're occasionally seeing ARERR 8976, "The CC list of the email
notification message cannot exceed 255 bytes." Indeed sometimes (not
always) the data we're trying to put in 'CC' exceeds 255 bytes; I'm trying
to decide what to do about it.

This system runs ARS 8.0, Build 001 201211030845 (I recall that might
actually mean "Build 2"); it's all custom ARS with no OOTB apps.

We have a number of forms that employ similar workflow, whereby a filter's
notify action takes data from a temp field (where the input length = 0
bytes), in the form of one or (usually) more email addresses, and uses this
string for "CC:". ($USER$ goes into "User:", so that will always be exactly
one recipient.)  On the AR System Email Messages form, the 'CC' field (ID
18088) has input length set to 32000 bytes. (Elsewhere, email addresses are
defined as 64 bytes or less.)  None of these specify (nor exceed) 255
bytes, but sure enough, if I go find the problematic Outgoing message in AR
System Email Messages, the data in 'CC' is truncated to 255 bytes, so I
guess this is the built-in ARS workflow (and not input lengths etc.).

I see in the online documentation "Creating a notify action" that the User
parameter is limited to 255 bytes, but it doesn't say anything about CC or
BCC.  I am guessing, though, that CC and BCC are subject to the same
limitations as User.  (It's hard to find documentation on the BMC website
after years of knowing how to find it in the hard copy books, but that's
neither here nor there, except to say that I haven't yet found what ARS
says about CC and BCC.)

Anyone else seen this? If so, were you able to get around it? For now, at
least, I can tell the users (or devise a pop-up message etc.) that if they
need to send to more than 4 or so recipients, then they'll need to do it
via multiple distributions.  But I'd like to devise a permanent solution if
possible and get around the 255 byte limitation. I'm wondering about using
a Push Fields action instead of Notify, and pushing the data to AR System
Email Messages -- unless there's a central setting somewhere that I can
change this for the entire ARS.


Joe Castleman

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