Hi Larry and others, 


Troubleshooting without the WUT in a Server Group environment is one of the 
use-cases the MonitorRemedy product is designed for. Managing load balanced 
server group environments can be a complicated and a time consuming process 
Typically, Remedy specialists have to trawl around multiple Mid-Tier and AR 
Servers in order to ascertain which server or servers are the problematic ones. 
 Diagnosing issues involves logging in to each server and looking at resource 
usage and multiple logs files.

A unique user search feature of MonitorRemedy allows you to identify which 
users are connected to which Mid-tier and AR Servers – allowing specialists to 
quickly home in on problematic Mid-tier or AR Servers.

The MonitorRemedy product also provides a specialist graphical view of your 
application's health focused on your BMC Remedy AR System and Application 

A graphical warning system lets you quickly identify which Application 
function, AR System, Mid-tier or Load Balancer components of your application 
are either down or trending towards a potential issue. Drill down features for 
example allow you to see:

 ·         If key application components are working (e.g. approvals, email)

·         Trends on resource usage , standard query and submit times.

·         Log files of all your servers 

·         Real time ARSystem and Application licence usage.

Setup time for monitoring tools can be time consuming. MonitorRemedy is a 
dynamic web application easily deployed to an Apache Tomcat server. The 
configuration interface allows you to define the additional applications to be 
monitored in minutes, allowing rapid product deployment. 

BMC Engage 2014 pricing applies until 17th November 2014 and is £5k GBP per 
environment monitored. 

You can learn more online at http://www.pws-europe.com/products/MonitorRemedy



Deepak Thohan




Telephone: +44 1784 497 047 | Mobile: +44 7875 009519 
Fax: +44 1784 497 048 | Skype: deepak.thohan

ShareRemedy       | Leverage your investment in Remedy and SharePoint 

AnalyseRemedy  | The unique Migration, Analysis and Maintenance Tool

 <http://www.pws-europe.com/products/MobileRemedy> MonitorRemedy  | BMC Remedy 
Environment Monitoring Solution

MobileRemedy    | BMC Remedy On Your Mobile


On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 5:17 PM, Larry Robinson <n...@ncsu.edu> wrote:


Hi Folks,


John Baker was kind enough to let me know that the script I posted had some 
potential security vulnerabilities. He provided the following alternative:


<%@ page import="java.net.*" %>
  String myhostname= null;
  try {
    myhostname= InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName();
  } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
  if (myhostname!=null) { %>
    This application server is running on hostname <%= myhostname %>.
<% } %>


Works great. Thanks John!



On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 11:44 PM, Larry Robinson <n...@ncsu.edu> wrote:

Hi William,


I too receive problem reports from our Mid-tier users and struggled to 
determine which server they were connected to. I asked one of my JSP experts to 
write us a program that could run from the browser that would emit the name and 
IP of the Tomcat server that was serving the users session. We use LVS as our 
load balancer, which is IP based so once you are locked onto a server, you stay 


I put this JSP program in the Tomcat webapps/ROOT directory and ask the user to 
invoke it as:




and have them tell me which server they are locked onto.


Here is the code:



<%@ page import="java.util.*,java.io.*" %>


String cmd = "hostname";

String outstr = "";


try {

  Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();

  Process p = rt.exec(cmd);


  try {

    InputStreamReader ise = new InputStreamReader(p.getErrorStream());

    BufferedReader bre = new BufferedReader(ise);

    InputStreamReader iso = new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream());

    BufferedReader bro = new BufferedReader(iso);


    String line=null;

    while ( (line = bre.readLine()) != null ) {

      outstr += line;


    while ( (line = bro.readLine()) != null ) {

      outstr += line;




  catch (IOException ioe) {




  int exitVal = p.waitFor();


catch (Throwable t) {






Hostname: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong><%=outstr%></strong><br>

Your IP: 

Service IP: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong><%=request.getLocalAddr()%></strong><br>


Hope this is helpful.



On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 1:02 PM, William Rentfrow <wrentf...@stratacominc.com> 


I sent this to our premiere support person and manager, but I'd be interested 
to see what others have to say about this too.


Original message below:


Hi –


This came up on our call and I wanted to write it out.


BMC has stated that the Windows User Tool (WUT) is going to be discontinued (in 
fact, it already was in 7.6x).  What I need to  know is what is BMC’s 
recommendation for diagnosing problems with the AR Servers in a server group?


Currently our users will report an issue like this: “Remedy is slow/locked 
up/whatever”.  Routinely we get no more information than this.


Right now our troubleshooting is to first diagnose which server(s) is having 
problems.  The fast way to do this is to login to every server with the user 
tool.  We usually know within a few seconds if one of the AR servers is locked 
up, because we will not be able to log in to it.  Then we can bounce it and get 
service restored.


If they are responsive we then move on the Mid-tier servers, etc.


With a large load-balanced environment there is no way to QUICKLY do this 
without the WUT.  I could login with Developer Studio, but that doesn’t use the 
same threads on the server as the WUT does.  We have seen instances where users 
are locked up and admins can log in with Dev studio (and vice versa).  Same 
goes for migrator and the import tool.


Support suggesting checking the AR Error log, but there are two problems with 
that – first, many lock-up scenarios do not results in errors in the 
arerror.log file.  There are numerous other logs to check on every server as 
well (CMDB, Email, AIE, etc).  Checking every log file on every server is time 
consuming and not 100% guaranteed to show us which server is locked up.


The second problem with support’s suggestion is the sheer time it would take to 
login to each server.  We are on Linux, so we need to connect via SSH using 
putty.  We do that by first connecting to a gateway server.  Then we ssh to the 
actual AR server (direct access is not allowed).  Finally, we sudo to the user 
Remedy is running as.  That means each time we connect it’s 3X we login.  If we 
multiply that by the 10 servers in our server group it would take at least an 
hour just to triage the problem. 


I can do the same thing with the WUT in seconds.


So here is the question: What is the proper way to QUICKLY triage which server 
is having problems without using the WUT or Dev Studio/Migrator/Import?


William Rentfrow


_ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are" and have been for 20 years_ 



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