Efek Rumah Kaca berkarya-bersama Angki Purbandono pada album kedua bertajuk 
”Kamar Gelap”. Album ini akan dirilis Jumat, 19 Desember 2008.
Dua belas lagu di album ”Kamar Gelap” direspon oleh foto-foto arahan, bidikan, 
”temuan”, dan ”rombakan” Angki Purbondo. Foto-foto itu dirancang khusus oleh 
Angki, menjadikan ”Kamar Gelap” sebagai sebuah paket kemasan audio-photography.
Angki adalah seniman berbasis fotografi yang juga aktivis Ruang MES 56, 
Lebih detailnya, siapakah dia? Ini cuplikan deskripsi dari website miliknya 
(juga silakan  nikmati sebagian karyanya di www.angkipu.com):
When asked to state the best words that represent his works, Yogyakarta-based 
artist Angki Purbandono (b.1971) says “freestyle”. By freestyle he means 
freedom to experiment with photography methods range from collage, documenting 
or recording, to the using of a scanner device. Methods that used are, however, 
not new. A collage and a scanner device are both methods and techniques that 
widely used in photography. Granted an Asian Artist Fellowship scholarship from 
National Museum of Contemporary Art (Republic of Korea), he spent a year from 
2005 to 2006 to live in Seoul; a life experience that gave him an opportunity 
to explore his medium of creation. There he began to use a scanner device to 
record his objects. His scannography practice gained its first acceptance when 
it is exhibited under the project of “Space and Shadows-Contemporary Art from 
Southeast Asia” at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin (Germany), in 2005. In 
the same year, his first
 scan series also exhibited at Pocheon Asian Art Festival, Pocheon (Republic of 
Korea). Three years after, his scan works were exhibited on Cut 2 Photography 
from Southeast Asia at Valentine Willie Fine Art in Kuala Lumpur. The same 
gallery showed the subsequent Cut 2 Photography from Southeast Asia in 
Singapore where Angki was invited to participate. Recently he has his solo 
exhibition titled “Happy Scan” at Biasa Art Space, Bali. In 2007, he initially 
started his “Anonymous” project under Landing Soon, a Residency Project 
conducted by Cemeti Art House (Yogyakarta) and Artoteek (now Heden, an art 
gallery based in Denhaag). It is a photography research where he buys old 
photos from flea markets in Yogyakarta, divides them into various categories, 
and produces various artworks from them. He has continued working on this 
research project after the residency and has been collecting more than 3000 old 
photos. Angki’s Anonymous series were also
 exhibited on 3 Young Contemporary Artistes at Valentine Willie Fine Art (Kuala 
Lumpur) in 2007.
Lalu apa itu Ruang MES 56? Ini deskripsi di website Ruang MES 56 
Ruang MES 56 is a non-profit institution established on February 28, 2002, 
which is active in the field of photography that emphasizes in the exploratory 
approach of contemporary photography, both in theory and practice, conceptually 
and contextually; having the purpose to develop the discourse of contemporary 
photography sphere in Indonesia.
Ruang MES 56 does several programs, which are Exhibition, Creative Exchange, 
Workshop, and Archiving. All of these programs are carried out by 
self-financing and with the support from several donors, either from non-profit 
institution or from commercial company. All of the programs aim to empower the 
pop-culture society in Indonesia. 
Ruang MES 56 is run by: Agung Nugroho Widhi, Akiq AW, Angki Purbandono, Daniel 
Satria Koestoro, Dessy Sahara Angelina, Edwin Dolly Roseno, Eko Bhirowo, Samuel 
Bagas Wiraseto, Wimo Ambala Bayang and Wok the Rock.
Selamat menikmati “Kamar Gelap”. Sebentar lagi.
Efek Rumah Kaca Management
Promotion & Booking Contact
Yurie ( 0813 9425 7339 )


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