I am trying to get Artemis v9 set up  on a networked Unix computer (or at
least co-ordinate with our IT people to do this).  I have it running locally
on a stand-alone but we want to make it more widely available.  I now have
Artemis runnng but still have some problems.

Firstly, I get the messages 
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.

Due to our firewire, we can not set up the program to access any external
sites so is there a way to remove this message?

Secondly I am trying to get blast searches to run.  We have local databases
set up under a directory that runs the local windows version of blast and
the blastall is located in the standalone program version.  I have edited
options and run_blastp to these two address.

When I start a Blastp search, the sequence file is written out to the blastp
directory and the message 'blastp process received signal: 2 Ok' comes up
but there is no .out file and it seems that blastp doesn't actually run.  Is
there any way to see error messages (ie if it can't find or access the
database or blastall).  I have checked for typos and access problems and
cant see anything obvious.

Finally, when I use control V to view selected feature, the dialogue box is
put behind the main Artemis window, can I change the default some where to
open it at the front.

Apologies that there are so many questions but maybe someone out there has
seen something like this before and knows the fixes?

Thanks in advance

Melanie Duffield
Team Leader - Advanced DNA and Protein Technologies
Rm 201, Bld 7a
Porton Down 

+44 (0) 1980 614364

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