# Phaser2 Progrss Report for November 2016

This reports summarizes the progress of the multi channel two tone
arbitrary waveform generator project. It builds on the "phaser"
project which previously demonstrated a RTIO compatible, multi
channel, GHz data rate DDS
Over the coming months "phaser" will evolve into the Sayma device
which is part of the upcoming Sinara family

## Smart Arbitrary Waveform Generator Channels

The SAWG channels are versatile and flexible parametrizations of
wideband signals commonly encountered in Quantum Physics labs. The
parametrization is described in the artiq-hardware whitepaper

The SAWG channels have been constructed and tested in functional
simulations and unittests. Different approaches to the clocking of the
data path and the parallelization and pipelining of the sample streams
were explored. The datapath is able to generate one batch of up to 8
samples every 4 ns. Latency is dominated by JESD204B link latency and
CORDIC latency. The group delay of the RTIO channels to the DAC output
is matched using delay lines.

A generic RTIO spline interpolator was written and implemented. The
interpolators are used as data sources for frequency, phase, amplitude
and DC offset for the SAWG channels.
Regular speed (one sample per FPGA clock cycle) a,f,p-interpolating
DDS cores were implemented enabling two-tone output.
Initial RTIO spline data support for kernel and runtime was added.
The design was adapted to 300 MHz data rate, 1x interpolation and mix
mode to cover the second and third Nyquist zones at 150-300 MHz and
300-450 MHz respectively.

The original prototyping and proof-of-concept code which was
previously used to demonstrate gateware capable of generating sample
streams at GHz data rate was published at

## Ultrascale support

Ultrascale devices have a different JTAG interface and SPI flash
architecture for retrieving bitstreams and data than previous 7 series
or spartan devices. Initial support for the ultrascale boundary scan
primitives has been added to the proxy bitstreams for openocd.
Similarly, initial support for the two flash devices connected to
ultrascale chips was developed.


We have developed a basic implementation of DRTIO: the link layer,
clock syntonization, real-time packet processing and remote output
FIFO management, and support for auxiliary low-priority packets. We
are currently running it on a pair of KC705s connected with GbE SFPs
and fiber, and the master KC705 can successfully issue RTIO writes to
TTLs on the satellite. The next steps include support for wider output
data (to support remote phasers with GSPS DACs), multiple links on the
master, RTIO inputs, higher bandwidth (4Gbps), and using Kintex
Ultrascale transceivers.

For the ARTIQ team,

Robert Jördens.
ARTIQ mailing list

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