Dear all, Dear Patrick

Thank you! I didn't expect this to happen so quickly! I had the time to play around a bit and it seems to work nicely. Attached is an extended example cfile with 3D atmosphere, wind, and freq shift.

Two _minor_ things I noticed:

1) If the frequency grid f_grid is very narrow at certain points (~< 100 kHz, intentionally or by mistake with VectorInsertGridPoints) the throws an error:

arts: /opt/arts-dev/arts/src/ void integration_func_by_vecmult(VectorView, ConstVectorView, ConstVectorView, ConstVectorView): Assertion `is_increasing( x_f_in )' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)

To reproduce, increase the number of points in line 56 from 101 to 102. If that really is a limitation, catching that earlier (in sensor_checkedCalc ?) would be helpful.

2) If the f_backend has more than approx. 6000 channels (but I guess that number depends on the amount of RAM), the setup of the covariance matrices and the retrieval eat up all memory and take very long. With atmlab, I could use the 10k channels of our instrument directly. That was very convenient, but I can work around that. Simon know about this already, just writing it down again.

Best regards,

On 24.09.2018 11:41, Patrick Eriksson wrote:
Hi all, Hi Jonas, Hi Richard,

All: If you do retrievals and using most recent version, you need to do some small changes. The benefit is that you now also can retrieve frequency corrections. See the ChangeLog message for a summary.

Jonas: With the commit I just made it should be possible to retrieve a frequency shift using ARTS's OEM. The demo cfile should be pretty close to what you want to do. That is, for details see:


I have done some testing, and all looked OK. Tell me if it works for you or not.

Richard: I also made a small preparation if we ever will test to retrieve spectroscopic variables. The mapping from the x-vector to spectroscopic data is planned to be handled by x2artsSpectrosocopy (so far a dummy WSM)



On 2018-09-18 15:18, Jonas Hagen wrote:
Dear Patrick

Thanks, of course this would be the proper approach and I hope that you decide to implement instrument variables soon! This is the last piece in the way of operational WIRA-C Wind retrievals with ARTS (and thus without Matlab). Until then I will tinker with my patch.

Best regards,

On 18.09.2018 10:27, Patrick Eriksson wrote:
Dear Jonas,

Some quick feedback, I am on a conference.

The variables that you can retrieve using ARTS-OEM so far are mainly atmospheric quantities. To handle instrument variables I maonly left for the future.

A constant frequency switch could be handled by shifting the transitions as you tried to do. But frequency shifts are in fact an instrument parameter, and moving the transitions will not work for frequency stretch. So it seems to be time to implement a general way to handle instrument variables. I will discuss with Simon, that is also here at the conference.

For the moment I suggest that you do repeated linear inversions. And adjusting your instrument frequencies after each linear inversion. This should work with your extension of xaStandard. After some iterations turn off the frequency switch and make a final inversion.

Kind regards,


On 2018-09-17 17:22, Jonas Hagen wrote:
Hello ARTS Developers,

I'm trying to retrieve the Frequnecy Shift along with Wind with the ARTS internal retrieval. To my understanding, this should work, but support in xaStandard and x2artsStandard WSMs is missing and results in an error: "Found a retrieval quantity that is not yet handled by internal retrievals: Frequency"

For xaStandard(), the a priori Frequency Shift could easily be set to zero after line 793 of along with baseline and pointing. For x2artsStandard(), maybe a new WSV would make sense (f_shift) and the inversion_iterate_agenda would then call abs_linesShiftFrequency(f_shift), similar to the baseline stuff? I tried to implement it myself but got stuck with jacobian_quantities and indices in x2artsStandard().

Best regards,
Jonas Hagen
arts_dev.mi mailing list

Jonas Hagen
Institute of Applied Physics
University of Bern
Sidlerstr. 5, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland
Tel: +41 31 631 5045

#DEFINITIONS:  -*-sh-*-
# Author: Patrick Eriksson

Arts2 {

INCLUDE "general/general.arts"
INCLUDE "general/continua.arts"
INCLUDE "general/agendas.arts"
INCLUDE "general/planet_earth.arts"

# Agendas to use
Copy( abs_xsec_agenda,            abs_xsec_agenda__noCIA              )
Copy( propmat_clearsky_agenda,    propmat_clearsky_agenda__OnTheFly   )
Copy( iy_main_agenda,             iy_main_agenda__Emission            )
Copy( iy_space_agenda,            iy_space_agenda__CosmicBackground   )
Copy( iy_surface_agenda,          iy_surface_agenda__UseSurfaceRtprop )
Copy( ppath_agenda,               ppath_agenda__FollowSensorLosPath   )
Copy( ppath_step_agenda,          ppath_step_agenda__GeometricPath    )

# Basic settings
IndexSet( stokes_dim, 1 )

# Observations
# Set to 1 (W), 2 (W/E) or 4 (W/E/N/S) 
IndexCreate( n_obs )
IndexSet( n_obs, 2 )

# Variables to define frequency grid and 
NumericCreate( f0 )
NumericCreate( df_start )
NumericCreate( df_end )
VectorCreate( fgrid1 )
VectorCreate( fgrid2 )
VectorCreate( fgrid3 )
IndexCreate( nf )
NumericSet( f0, 110.836e9 )
#NumericSet( f0, 142.17504e9 )
# Create broad, coarse frequency grid
NumericSet( df_start, -100e6 )
NumericSet( df_end, 100e6 )
VectorNLinSpace( fgrid1, 51, df_start, df_end )
# Create a narrow, fine frequency grid
NumericSet( df_start, -20e6 )
NumericSet( df_end, 20e6 )
VectorNLinSpace( fgrid2, 101, df_start, df_end )
# Create final f_grid
VectorInsertGridPoints( f_grid, fgrid1, fgrid2 )
VectorAddScalar( f_grid, f_grid, f0 )

#ReadXML(f_grid, "f_grid.xml")
#VectorAddScalar( f_grid, f_grid, f0 )

# Define spectrometer
NumericCreate( f_resolution )
NumericCreate( f_start )
NumericCreate( f_end )
# Use limited bandwidth, because we need high resolution for wind,
# but above approx 6k channels, memory fills up quickly.
NumericSet( f_start, -30e6 )
NumericSet( f_end, 30e6 )
NumericSet( f_resolution, 12e3 )
NumericAdd( f_start, f_start, f0 )
NumericAdd( f_end, f_end, f0 )

# Pressure grid
IndexCreate( n_p_ret )
IndexCreate( n_p )
VectorCreate( p_ret_grid )
IndexSet( n_p, 361 )
IndexSet( n_p_ret, 81 )
VectorNLogSpace( p_grid,     n_p, 500e2, 0.1 )
VectorNLogSpace( p_ret_grid, n_p_ret, 500e2, 0.1 )

# Spectroscopy
abs_speciesSet( species=[ "O3" ] )
ArrayOfLineshapeSpecCreate( abs_lineshapeDefine )
abs_lineshapeDefine( abs_lineshapeDefine, "Voigt_Kuntz6", "VVH", 750e9 )
ReadXML( abs_lines, "testdata/ozone_line.xml" ) # 110 GHz line
#ReadXML( abs_lines, "./Perrin_O3_142.xml" ) # 142 GHz line
IndexSet(abs_f_interp_order, 1) # no effect for OnTheFly propmat

# Latitude / Longitude
IndexSet(n_lon, 2)
IndexSet(n_lat, 2)
VectorSet( lat_true, [0] )
VectorSet( lon_true, [0] )
VectorNLinSpace(lat_grid, n_lat, -3, 3)
VectorNLinSpace(lon_grid, n_lon, -3, 3)
MatrixSetConstant( z_surface, n_lat, n_lon, 10e3 )

# Atmosphere (a priori)
AtmRawRead( basename = "testdata/tropical" )
NumericSet(u_wind, 60)
NumericSet(v_wind, -40)
Tensor3SetConstant(wind_u_field, n_p, n_lat, n_lon, u_wind)
Tensor3SetConstant(wind_v_field, n_p, n_lat, n_lon, v_wind)

# Apply HSE
NumericSet( p_hse, 100e2 )
NumericSet( z_hse_accuracy, 0.5 )

# Sensor pos/los/time

IndexStepDown(tmp1, n_obs)
ArrayOfIndexLinSpace(tmp2, 0, tmp1, 1)

VectorSetConstant(pos_alt, n_obs, 15e3)
VectorSetConstant(pos_lat, n_obs, 0)
VectorSetConstant(pos_lon, n_obs, 0)
VectorSetConstant(los_za, n_obs, 68)
VectorSet(los_aa, [90, -90, 0, 180])
Select(los_aa, los_aa, tmp2)


Matrix3ColFromVectors(sensor_pos, pos_alt, pos_lat, pos_lon)
Matrix2ColFromVectors(sensor_los, los_za, los_aa)

VectorSetConstant( sensor_time, n_obs, 0 )

# True f_backend
VectorLinSpace( f_backend, f_start, f_end, f_resolution )
nelemGet( nf, f_backend )

# Assume a Gaussian channel response
VectorCreate( fwhm )
VectorSetConstant( fwhm, 1, f_resolution )
backend_channel_responseGaussian( fwhm = fwhm )

# With a frequency shift retrieval, we must use sensor_response_agenda
FlagOn( sensor_norm )
AgendaSet( sensor_response_agenda ){
  # Among responses we only include a backend
AgendaExecute( sensor_response_agenda )

# RT
NumericSet( ppath_lmax, -1 )
StringSet( iy_unit, "RJBT" )

# Deactive parts not used (jacobian activated later)

# Perform tests

# Simulate "measurement vector"

# Start on retrieval specific part

# Some vaiables

# Start definition of retrieval quantities
nelemGet( nelem, p_ret_grid )
nelemGet( nf, y )

# Add ozone as retrieval quantity
    species = "O3",
    unit = "vmr",
    g1 = p_ret_grid,
    g2 = lat_true,
    g3 = lon_true

VectorSetConstant( vars, nelem, 1e-12 )
DiagonalMatrix( sparse_block, vars )
covmat_sxAddBlock( block = sparse_block )

# Add zonal wind
    component = "u",
    g1 = p_ret_grid,
    g2 = lat_true,
    g3 = lon_true

VectorSetConstant( vars, nelem, 1e5 )
DiagonalMatrix( sparse_block, vars )
covmat_sxAddBlock( block = sparse_block )

# Add meridional wind
#    component = "v",
#    g1 = p_ret_grid,
#    g2 = lat_true,
#    g3 = lon_true

#VectorSetConstant( vars, nelem, 100 )
#DiagonalMatrix( sparse_block, vars )
#covmat_sxAddBlock( block = sparse_block )

# Add a frquency shift retrieval
  df = 100e3

VectorSetConstant( vars, 1, 1e10 )
DiagonalMatrix( sparse_block, vars )
covmat_sxAddBlock( block = sparse_block )

# Add a baseline fit
  poly_order = 1

VectorSetConstant( vars, n_obs, 5 )
DiagonalMatrix( sparse_block, vars )
covmat_sxAddBlock( block = sparse_block )

VectorSetConstant( vars, n_obs, 1 )
DiagonalMatrix( sparse_block, vars )
covmat_sxAddBlock( block = sparse_block )

# Define Se and its invers
VectorSetConstant( vars, nf, 1e-2 )
DiagonalMatrix( sparse_block, vars )
covmat_seAddBlock( block = sparse_block )
VectorSetConstant( vars, nf, 1e+2 )
DiagonalMatrix( dense_block, vars )
covmat_seAddInverseBlock( block = dense_block )

# End definition of retrieval quantities

# x, jacobian and yf must be initialised (or pre-calculated as shown below)
VectorSet( x, [] )
VectorSet( yf, [] )
MatrixSet( jacobian, [] )

# Or to pre-set x, jacobian and yf
#Copy( x, xa )
#MatrixSet( jacobian, [] )
#AgendaExecute( inversion_iterate_agenda )

# Iteration agenda
AgendaSet( inversion_iterate_agenda ){

  # Map x to ARTS' variables
  x2artsSensor   # No need to call this WSM if no sensor variables retrieved

  # To be safe, rerun some checks 

  # Calculate yf and Jacobian matching x.
  yCalc( y=yf )

  # Add baseline term (no need to call this WSM if no sensor variables 
  VectorAddVector( yf, yf, y_baseline )

  # This method takes cares of some "fixes" that are needed to get the Jacobian
  # right for iterative solutions. No need to call this WSM for linear 

# Let a priori be off with 0.5 ppm
Tensor4AddScalar( vmr_field, vmr_field, 0.5e-6 )

# Reset Wind
Tensor3SetConstant(wind_u_field, n_p, n_lat, n_lon, 0)
Tensor3SetConstant(wind_v_field, n_p, n_lat, n_lon, 0)

# Add a baseline
# Offset 1 K
VectorAddScalar( y, y, 1 )

# Introduce a frequency error
VectorAddScalar( f_backend, f_backend, -150e3 )

# Calculate sensor_reponse (this time with assumed f_backend)
AgendaExecute( sensor_response_agenda )

# Create xa

# Run OEM
OEM(          method = "gn",
            max_iter = 5,
    display_progress = 1,
             stop_dx = 0.1,
      lm_ga_settings = [10,2,2,100,1,99])
#OEM(          method = "lm",
#            max_iter = 20,
#    display_progress = 1,
#      lm_ga_settings = [100.0, 2.0, 2.0, 10.0, 1.0, 1.0])
#Print( oem_errors, 0 )
Print( x, 0 )

# Compute averaging kernel matrix

# Compute smoothing error covariance matrix

# Compute observation system error covariance matrix

# Extract observation errors

#WriteXML( "ascii", f_backend, "f.xml" )
#WriteXML( "ascii", y, "y.xml" )
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