
I tried different software package for this purpose, and found ARTS is one
> of the best in terms of usability.  I am not sure what was the motivation
> to obsolete abs_coef, which I believe is one of the most important
> quantities in radiative transfer.  Is there any way to keep it in the
> future ARTS development?

essentially, propmat_clearsky_field (where propmat stands for propagation
matrix) holds the same information as abs_coef(_per_species) - the diff is
that propmat_clearsky is always per species (gets summed up inside ARTS' RT
method; you can do the same by yourinterface to your RT solver) and that it
allows for vectorized RT, while abs_coef was the scalar abs coefs (0th
element of the stokes_dim dimensions will give you the scalar abs coef).

that is, propmat_clearsky is the more sophisticated version of abs_coef.
we went from abs_coef to propmat_clearsky when introducing Zeeman effect
and Faraday rotation - processes that introduce polarization even in case
of pure gaseous RT.

> If I could find abs_coef_per_species from the current ARTS implementation,
> that would be a matrix of [f_grid,p_grid], right?  If that is the case,
> what is the different between abs_coef and abs_coef_per_species then?  I
> have read the documentation, and still have no clue on this.
abs_coef_per_species is an ArrayOfMatrix, where each array element holds
the abs coefs matrix (dimension [f_gid,p_grid]) for one species. note that
with this variable type, the f_grid and p_grid can theoretically be
different for each species.

Best wishes,

Jana Mendrok, Ph.D. (Project Assistent)
Chalmers University of Technology
Earth and Space Sciences
SE-412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden

Phone : +46 (0)31 772 1883
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