Dear all,

so far I've used arts 2.0 by compiling/making it using cygwin and then
running it in a windows environment, making use of scripts contained in
atmlab 2.0.0. It works smoothly.

I am now trying to do the same with arts 2.2 and atmlab 2.2.22 but run into
issues that seem to be related to search paths for the cfile.rep or include

As an example, after making the arts.exe in cygwin I tried to run the
qarts_demo (providing all the correct paths for includes and such) and this
is what I get:

>> qarts_demo
Cannot open output file:
Maybe you don't have write access to the directory or the file?
I have to be able to write to my report file.

As you can see the cfile.rep file is searched in a funny path made of two
times the "F:\ARTS\tmp +temp_dir" separated by a "/" which is unacceptable
under windows. I can circumvent this problem by indicating a very simple
path for the temp directory (".." instead of "F:\ARTS\tmp") or by sticking
my hands into the source code and changing the following line:

open_output_file(report_file, out_basename + report_file_ext.str ());

However, arts goes just a little further before crashing for a search path
issue, when looking for include files. And I am not a C++ programmer...
Of course the "f:\ARTS\arts-2.2\controlfiles\general\general.arts"
indicated below is there.

>> qarts_demo
Executing ARTS.
Command line:
/src/arts -r30 -o ..\atmlab-GM-tp2eb0677b_36b0_4a15_8728_20d87c282579
Version: arts-2.2.55 (compiled Thu Apr  6 15:27:51 2017)
Compiler: GNU 5.4.0 (/usr/bin/c++.exe)
Compile flags:  -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden
-ftemplate-depth-60 -fopenmp  -W  -Wall  -Wshadow  -Wconversion
 -Wno-sign-conversion  -Wno-unknown-pragmas   -O2 -g
Features in this build:
   Numeric precision:    double
   OpenMP support:       enabled
   Documentation server: enabled
   Zipped XML support:   enabled
   NetCDF support:       disabled
   Fortran support:      disabled
   Disort support:       disabled
   Refice support:       disabled
   Tmatrix support:      disabled
Include search paths:
Data search paths:

Running with OpenMP, maximum number of threads = 4.
   Thread 1: ready.
   Thread 2: ready.
   Thread 0: ready.
   Thread 3: ready.

Run started: Thu Apr  6 15:46:43 2017

Verbosity settings: Agendas:     0
                    Screen:      3
                    Report file: 0

Reading control files:
- ..\atmlab-GM-tp2eb0677b_36b0_4a15_8728_20d87c282579\cfile.arts

Parsing control text:
- Arts2
This run took 0.02s (0.01s CPU time)
Run-time error in controlfile:
Cannot find include file f:\ARTS\arts-2.2\controlfiles\general\general.arts.
File: ..\atmlab-GM-tp2eb0677b_36b0_4a15_8728_20d87c282579\cfile.arts
Search path was:   . /home/GM/controlfiles

Stopping ARTS execution.

Error using arts (line 67)
An error occured while executing ARTS. See above.

I understand that making arts using cygwin and running it under windows
might raise a few eyebrows, but arts 2.0 seems to do just fine so maybe
just a few light touches to the arts 2.2 source codes can leave this
possibility available for windows-users such as I am?
Or maybe someone will explain to me that I am doing something wrong...
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