
On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 4:30 PM Richard Larsson <ric.lars...@gmail.com>

> [...]
Indeed, the description seems coherent but difficult to follow.  Can you
> point out where in the docs you found this?  It should be updated to
> clearly read that a positive wind_v in 1D equates to a positive v in the
> standard (1 - v/c) Doppler shift expression.

I took my info from the built-in doc for wind_v_fields and sensor_los.
I did now update the wind field section in the AUG with an explicit
statement that positive/negative v-winds in 1D correspond to tail/head
winds, respectively (incl a reference to the AUG section Patrick pointed

On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 6:40 PM Patrick Eriksson <
patrick.eriks...@chalmers.se> wrote:

> The definition of the winds do not change between 1D, 2D and 3D. That
> would at least lead to messy code.

I'm aware of this. And no critisism of that at all.

> This is in fact a question of the azimuth angle of the sensor. There is
> also a north direction in 1D and the sensor is assumed to be looking
> exactly North for 1D. This is explained in Sec 3.2 of AUG:
> 1D ... The sensor is assumed to by directed towards the North pole,
> corresponding to an azimuth angle of 0 ◦.
> Maybe few are looking in AUG so I just also added this information to
> the built-in doc of sensor_los.

I had indeed not checked the AUG, but used the built-in doc instead. Thanks
for adding the clarification there, Patrick!

However, the tricky part here (and on other occassions), particularly for
people not that familiar with ARTS, is to know what to look for and where
look for it specifically: for the 1D wind case, even with Patrick's
clarification, the crucial point is/was join the information available in
the wind_v_fields and the sensor_los/atm_dim documentation. I am not sure,
if I had taken a look into the AUG regarding that matter that this would
have included the atm dim (3.2) section.

But, that's why the mailinglist is so great! there are people out there
with better overview and better detail knowledge, who can answer questions
or at least point one in a (better) direction where to look for. :)
So thanks, Patrick & Richard (and everyone else contributing on other
occassions) for your valuable feedback!

Best wishes,

Jana Mendrok, Ph.D. (Geoscience)

Email: jana.mend...@gmail.com
Phone : +46 (0)708 860 729
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