
I have a few questions, the first ones related to the issues I encounter
when I try to use a subarctic atmospheric scenario with user-defined
pressure and retrieval pressure grids (*), and the next questions related
to what precisely does the covariance matrix that my ARTS file produces
contain and how can one actually extract certain blocks out of it once one
knows what it contains; the documentation on covmat_sx does not provide too
much information on this (**)

- I am running an adapted version on TestOEM.arts and while the pressure
grid and the pressure retrieval grid I set work well with the tropical atm.
background that TestOEM.arts comes with, I get the following error when I
try to use a subarctic-winter scenario:

Run-time error in method: AtmFieldsCalc
There is a problem with the grids for the following interpolation:
Raw field to p_grid
The minimum of the new grid must be inside the original grid.
(We allow a bit of extrapolation, but not so much).
Minimum of original grid:           -2.3969 (0.091)
Minimum allowed value for new grid: -2.7956 (0.0610782)
Actual minimum of new grid:         -2.81347 (0.0599964)

- If I then replace the pressure grid with a 'shorter' one, so that I make
sure I fall within the minimum allowed value of the grid, I hit an assertion:

- xaStandard
Assertion failed: (og_min <= tng), function gridpos, file
/Users/mypath/arts/src/interpolation.cc, line 345.
Abort trap: 6

- Why for a simulation containing three retrieval species. i.e. O3,
freq.shift and polyfit (no winds considered this time), the retrieval
covariance matrix (Sx) contains six retrieval errors? and what are those
representing? The terminal output shows a 17 x 17  sized covariance matrix,
which corresponds to the 15 elem O3 array + 1 elem of freq-shift + 1 elem
of polyfit.
(covmat_sx attached)

- I can import the generated covariance matrix in my Python code, but how
can I extract the different blocks out of it for further use, i.e

With best regards,
Rita Kajtar

<<attachment: covmat_sx.xml.zip>>

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