> Anfang der weitergeleiteten Nachricht:
> Von: Tobias Wehr <tobias.w...@esa.int>
> Betreff: Job opening: staff position at ESA-ESRIN, focus EarthCARE
> Datum: 19. Dezember 2022 um 09:32:35 MEZ
> An: Undisclosed recipients:;
> Dear colleague, 
> I would like to draw your attention to a staff position opening at ESA-ESRIN 
> in Frascati. The incumbent will be working primarily on the EarthCARE 
> mission, during the presently on-going preparations for launch in 2024 and 
> afterwards during the mission exploitation phase. This is a unique job 
> opportunity working at ESA for the challenging and highly sophisticated 
> cloud-aerosol-radiation mission with numerous data processors and a complex 
> validation programme. The job will also include setting up and managing the 
> EarthCARE DISC. For details please see 
> https://jobs.esa.int/job/Frascati-Atmospheric-Composition-Scientist/878338301/.
>  I would very much appreciate if you could kindly pass this information on to 
> suitable candidates. (Please note nationality restrictions.)
> Many thanks and kind regards,
> Tobias
> European Space Agency 
> Dr. Tobias Wehr
> Atmospheric Section (EOP-SMA)
> Earth and Mission Science Division
> ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1
> NL-2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands
> Phone: +31 63928 5274 
> This message is intended only for the recipient(s) named above. It may 
> contain proprietary information and/or protected content. Any unauthorised 
> disclosure, use, retention or dissemination is prohibited. If you have 
> received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately. ESA 
> applies appropriate organisational measures to protect personal data, in case 
> of data privacy queries, please contact the ESA Data Protection Officer 
> (d...@esa.int <mailto:d...@esa.int>).

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