FYI List:  Rev Brown, aka, JerseyKev has a report you might want to check out.
I just did a special report of tax payer money being spent by Long Branch abuseively.

In a message dated 1/25/2005 12:00:02 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Why does AP need as many, if not more
officers than Long Branch even though it is much smaller? Are the
people worse here? Does Long Branch have better police? No, it's the
redevelopment. That's what they have and we don't (not that I want
their type of redevelopment). Get rid of the broken windows, keep up
law enforcement and crime will drop in AP just as it did in Long
While I agree in part Dan, as evidenced by my last email, things are bit more complex here in AP.  The history in AP is slightly different than in Long Branch and as such, we need a similar, but AP-specific approach to the issues we face regarding crime.  You are asking the right questions above, but your conclusionary jump is slightly off the mark.  In my opinion.  But again, we want the same goal, I just think that the approach is not as simple as you suggest.  If you want more on this, let me know and I will provide examples.
Peace, Jim Keady

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