Anyone know why the plan was tabled and when or if  it'll be rescheduled ?  I was late to set up the video, (Due to my Mom still in the hospital) so I missed the passion of the people during public speaking. So I ask again, did anyone video tape it for me?
 Oh well, I tried to docunent it myself for those who couldn't be there in the standing room only chambers, maybe next time.

The hearing on the Springwood Avenue Redevelopment Plan. is scheduled for 6 P.M. Thursday, in the Council Chambers before the City Council.
The price tag for this plan is $12,500,000.00 and the developers only have to pay back $2,500,000.00 to the government.
The developers will also receive  tax breaks.
The most astounding part at this meeting, believe it or not, is when you ask questions at public session, and even if the lawyers may not have the answers, somebody on the council will still move to approve this redevelopment plan.   Seeing is believing!
Hope to see you there. 

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