   I just love travel logs, count me in especially if I can video tape it and put it on TV.  Yhat'll be my contribution, my viewing audience in monmouth county ready with the donations and of course volunteers. :-)

Cheryl Vacchiano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm very interested in attending, please keep me posted

asburycheech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Members of the group,
     There have been some excellent postings here lately about
diverse opinions on topics important to our community, such as
redevelopment, housing, eminent domain, and the upcoming elections.  
I can't think of another town that could or would have such
excellent, intelligent discussions.  That's why we choose to live
    Hope you don't mind if I inject a topic that touches on some of
the above, but from a slightly different angle.   There is a
volunteer non-profit organization, Coastal Habitat for Humanity
(affiliated with Habitat for Humanity International), whose goal most
of us can identify with and share.  It is to help communities like
ours improve one house and neighborhood at a time by helping to
provide decent, affordable housing .  Partner families invest
hundreds of hours of "sweat equity" into building their own homes
which they can then purchase with no interest loans.  Coastal Habitat
would very much like to become more visible and involved in Asbury
Park.  The need, as you can imagine, becomes greater by the day.  The
group was actually incorporated in Asbury 11 years ago, and is
seeking help from our community in the form of volunteers, and yes,
even donations.  There is even a group within Habitat called "Women
Build", which provides women with an opportunity to plan and build
    Recently, Lynda Ziemba, an dedicated member of our Asbury Park
community, got involved in Habitat and was so inspired by a talk
about the work being done both here and overseas, that she traveled
to Ghana for 16 days and participated in the building of three houses
there.  I've asked her to give a talk about her experiences there,
and to show us her inspiring pictures she took in Ghana.  She will be
at the Stephen Crane House on Saturday, April 2, at 6:30 PM, along
with Maureen Mulligan from Coastal Habitat.  There is no admission
charge, but all donations will go directly to Coastal Habitat.  As
the date gets closer, I'll try to provide more details, but if you'd
like to attend an inspiring evening here in Asbury Park, and that's
what our town is all about, please e-mail me and I'll reserve a place
for you.  We can seat about 40. 
    If you'd like to read more about Habitat or "Women Build", you
can visit , or
you can reach Maureen Mulligan at the Wall offices of Habitat at 732-
974-2422.  New volunteers or donations are always welcome.  Thanks
for taking the time to read all of this!  And hope to see you at the
Crane House (508 4th Ave. in Asbury Park) on April 2.
                                     Frank D'Alessandro

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