To:       Asbury Park Voters

I want Today, a better Tomorrow for the Students and Community of Asbury Park. 

                  " Share the Joys, Embrace the Love of Learning! "

Short Biographical Sketch:

   First, I am not a political animal and to me, politics is just another popularity contest of jump on the band wagon with money that I usually can't win. But that doesn't mean I can't do the job, if elected with no money to canpaign.

    Second, I consider myself primarily to be an Advocate for Children, Seniors and the Handicap.  I grew up and Graduated from this City's School System.  Many in my Family still live here.  So I came back home with a Master's in Special Education from Columbia University after 20 years in NYC.  I am also a former Teacher from NYC and a former UFT Union Rep.  I am also a former Licentiate of the African Methodist Episcopal Church from Bethel, Asbury Park. 

   I now want to Share the elements of my strong foundation that I learned as a child in Asbury Park which allowed me to travel around the world to learn from other cultures.  I'm now a Broadcast Journalist seeking the facts as you have presented, unedited, via Television, broadcasting from Asbury Park on MS SHANGAZI PRESENTS, ISSUES AND ANSWERS (MSP TV 77) since 1992! 

As to "Why I am running for a Seat on the Asbury Park School Board:"

  I decided to throw my hat back into the ring after considerable thoughts on the condition of our schools.  Things are getting better and I can be a strong back up to continue the success.  I seek your VOTE on April 19, Vote #  5, Denson..

   What I hope to Accomplish for the Asbury Park School System if Elected:

   My Position and My Issues are the Parents' Issues.  But more so, How to Keep Parents Involved with their children's education from Elementary to High School Graduation and beyond.

   Granted, I've not canvassed the entire Parent's Association for their ideas as to how to KEEP Parents involved in making a better school system work for our children.  But I've seen enough Parents involved on the Elementary Schools level to know that there is a considerable decline of Parent Participation in the higher grades. 

   For whatever reason. perhaps FEAR, Parents are not all together satisfied, or as involved with the way things are when their child enters Middle School and or High School.. I want to make a difference and bring Parents Back into the Schools on every grade level for the continued success of all our Students. 

   What separates me from other candidates:

   Do I have all the solutions, No!  But, I do have a few suggestions that might make school for our students more enjoyable, in a learning environment which will produce future productive citizens who will make a contribution to this society in whatever endeavor they so choose. 

    It is my hope to share these joys and take the fear out of learning.  To offer our Students and Community as many opportunities to make positive things happen for us all.

    As Producer of "MSPTV,"  I will be the first to promote the Media Arts in our schools by showcasing the Positive Accomplishments of all our Students.  Also, I will  Air Board meetings on Television and Radio so Members can express their views to the Community in a Weekly 30 minute TV/Radio  show.  "Ms Shangazi Presents, Issues and Answers," ( "MSPTV" ) is just one avenue available to the community for outreach.

   This Election is about the Entire Community and We ALL should be involved.

    In closing,  I can be reached at: 


 or by phone at home  732-775-1912,   and,   732-776-5324

   Thank you for your time and support!  See you at the Debate, and  VOTE April 19th, 2005 !

Kyangazi Anne Marie Denson,

MSP TV 77 Producer,

Asbury Park School Board Candidate # 5

and WRITE IN City Council Candidate 

asburycheech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Members of the Group,
    I'd like to add my "voice" to that of John Figueiredo, a terrific
candidate for Asbury Park Board of Education.  I've sent the
following letter to the Coaster hoping they will publish it next
week.  But please come out and vote on Tuesday, April 19.  Asbury
Park will never really be great again unless and until our school
system provides our students with the best education we can give

Vote Hope, Not Fear     

      Every four years the Asbury Park municipal election in May
tends to overshadow the School Board election held each April.  So I
urge you to mark your calendars for the crucial date of Tuesday,
April 19.  On that day, from 6 AM to 8 PM, the voters of Asbury Park
will choose one of two paths.  One trail leads back to political
interference in the classroom, with a district run by an non-elected
law firm fed a flat annual fee of a half-million dollars regardless
of the volume or quality of work they did.   The other path is to
endorse the positive, major change brought about in April of 2004.  
Under the board presidency of Robert DiSanto, a new majority, and the
return of Superintendent Dr. Antonio Lewis, our school system has
witnessed a new beginning and a period of renewed hope.   Dedicated,
professional educators, both in the classroom and in administration,
are not afraid to do the jobs they were trained and are paid to do. 
Slowly but surely, parents and guardians, the key to even greater
progress, are being engaged in the educational process.  There have
also been some dramatic changes in curriculum to accompany the
significant rise in test scores.   So I urge you to endorse and
strengthen the new board majority with your vote. 
      This year there is one 1-year seat and three 3-year seats to
be filled.  I hope you will return Antoinette "Toni" Ross to the
board for the 1-year position.  Her knowledge and memory of board
actions over the past decade have been a tremendous asset in our
forward progress.  Toni sees to it that we are not condemned to
repeat many of the destructive actions of the past. 
      There are three excellent candidates for the three available
3-year positions.   In the order of their ballot positions, they
begin with John Figueiredo (ballot position #3), who will be an
eloquent, youthful, idealistic, and energetic champion for our young
people.  With his volunteer work with Big Brothers, and his strong
business experience, what a tremendous addition he will be to our
team!  And no one has worked harder or with greater dedication than
Eileen Sonnier (ballot position #6).  She withstood the withering
slings and arrows of the past board majority and its despotic law
firm to emerge an even stronger advocate for Asbury's children.  And
Amsden Bernier (position # 7) came along this year at just the right
time.  He has proven to be an articulate spokesman for those in our
community who needed a stronger voice in our school system. 
      The team of Ross, Figueiredo, Sonnier, and Bernier is
probably the most diverse and talented group ever assembled in our
great multi-cultural little city.   Even though the later municipal
election monopolizes the spotlight, there is actually no election
more important to the future of Asbury Park than the Board of
Education election of April 19, 2005.
                                    Frank D'Alessandro,
                                    member, APBOE

> My education includes a B.A. in Psychology from Rutgers
> I have also, in the past, volunteered my time as a mentor to first
> and second year students.  As part of fulfilling some degree
> requirements, I had served as a big brother to children in various
> communities as well as dedicated time to working with
> ill individuals.
> I currently hold a management position in Human Resources with Mary
> Kay, Inc.  Some of my responsibilities are those that I feel are
> interchangeable with the role of a school board member.  Policies,
> organizational decisions, maintaining and balancing budgets,
> applicant process and employee relations are among the tasks that I
> am accountable for.
> Thank you,
> John Figueiredo

Ms Shangazi Presents:  Issues and answers
Real Life Documentaries on MSP TV 77
Watch MSP TV 77 on Cablevision Tue 9:30pm
Questions, Comments, Suggestions,
732-775-1912, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For a Small Fee, It's Practically FREE! 

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