AP Listserve Members:


A voter recently asked me about my company, Educating for Justice.  My guess is that if one person wants to know what we do, there might be others out there who are interested too.  I think it's helpful to know what a candidate does everyday to get a better understanding of who they are.  To give people an understanding about EFJ, I like to tell them that we are similar to Amnesty International, only we focus much more heavily on education.  My wife Leslie and I are the Founding Directors of EFJ and as such, we're really proud that we have been able to build EFJ from just an idea and a passion for social justice into a viable and successful business. 


Below is some more detailed information about the company.  Please feel free to email me with any questions or comments that you have. 


I look forward to seeing many of you at the Candidates' Forum tonight at Mt. Carmel


Peace, Jim Keady





Mission Statement

Educating for Justice, Inc. (EFJ) is an Asbury Park-based non-profit organization that develops, produces and distributes justice-oriented programming and content to the educational marketplace.  Through research, digital filmmaking, grassroots educational events, and educational publishing, EFJ seeks to raise awareness about issues of justice and spark efforts for social change. 



Background on EFJ 

EFJ started out in June 2000 as the Olympic Living Wage Project.  Our initial work was part of a broader international campaign to bring awareness about the labor abuses of Olympic apparel sponsors to athletes competing in the 2000 Sydney Games. As an experiment, 2 U.S. Americans lived in Indonesia on the income level of local factory workers and brought the truth of that reality to Sydney through a major media campaign focused on these starvation wages paid to Nike and Adidas factory workers. 


Current staff members of EFJ, all four of whom are graduates of St. Josephâs University in Philadelphia, helped to make the experiment a reality.  EFJ Founders, Leslie Kretzu and Jim Keady lived for one month on $1.25/day in Tangerang, Indonesia while EFJ Creative Director Mike Pierantozzi documented the solidarity experiment on digital video, and EFJ Webmaster Jeff Lyons uploaded daily journals, photos, pricing research and news articles to the site.  The national and international interest was far greater than we had imagined, and consumer pressure was enough to make marginal changes at the factory level.


Five years later, Educating for Justice, Inc. has expanded into an international nonprofit organization with the primary goal of educating high school and college students about issues of global injustice by creating dynamic, cutting edge resources for public, parochial, and private schools in the U.S.  Our materials and events raise questions, provide information, and push students to think critically about key social, economic and political issues, with the hope that they reevaluate the perspectives delivered to them by traditional sources - the mainstream media, major political parties, and corporate America.



To meet our educational goals and provide our extensive grassroots network with the resources necessary to promote social justice, Educating for Justice, Inc. now includes six divisions:


EFJ Traveling Classroom

EFJ Films

EFJ Publications

EFJ Online Educational Resources

EFJ Grassroots Activism

EFJ Store



EFJ Traveling Classroom is the public lecture series division of EFJ, Inc. that develops and presents educational multi-media events for high schools, colleges, parishes, community groups and conferences (national and international).  From October 2000 to date, EFJ founding directors, James Keady and Leslie Kretzu, have conducted âTraveling Classroomâ events across the United States and internationally at more than 200 venues.  They have also briefed members of the US Congress and their staffs on Capitol Hill.  Traveling classroom events are structured to present information from the perspective of the most vulnerable members of society, a perspective not often given consideration by students and faculty alike.  For example, one of our current presentations, âBehind the Swoosh: Sweatshops & Social Justiceâ looks at the issue of sweatshops from the perspective of Nike and Adidas factory workers whom EFJ staff have personally interviewed. Each Traveling Classroom event includes key information on the subject, social analysis, theological or secular reflection and an action plan.



EFJ Films, the filmmaking division of EFJ, Inc., produces and distributes original short and feature-length documentary films.  To date, EFJ Films has produced three short educational films on the issue of sweatshops and currently is in production on its first feature-length documentary film.  These films not only educate EFJâs target audiences, but show clearly how interested viewers can take effective action on the injustice highlighted in the film. (ex. Promotion of basic rights for sweatshop workers.) Beginning in late 2006, EFJ will also acquire and distribute film projects by other independent filmmakers.


Our current EFJ Film project is Sweat  www.sweatthefilm.org



EFJ Publications, the publishing division for EFJ, Inc., creates and distributes original content and materials including books, posters, artwork, articles, pamphlets, and newsletters.  In addition, this division also acquires and distributes works by outside authors. In conjunction with EFJ Films, EFJ Publications creates and distributes âTeacher Workbooksâ to accompany short & feature-length films for classroom use.  This division of EFJ will launch in December 2006.



EFJ Online, EFJâs Internet presence, provides free web-based educational resources for teachers, students, and everyday individuals looking to learn more about domestic and international justice issues.  EFJ staff and volunteers are currently building the resource Justice 101 - an online resource of introductory social and economic justice issues that will include teacher lesson plans, frequently asked questions, compilations of books, and much more.  These resources can be tailored for classroom use. 


EFJ Online currently operates  at www.educatingforjustice.org.



EFJ Grassroots Activism is our division of advocacy, where our constituencies â both in the U.S. and in developing countries - are linked together to work for change.  These campaigns have a two-tiered approach.  First, we work to educate students, faculty, and community members through our educational events, printed materials, and films.  Second, we encourage action through focused works of solidarity by providing constituents with short-term and long-term strategies to bring about the stated goals for a particular campaign.  Beyond the work done on campaigns sponsored by EFJ, we relay information to our constituents about work being done by our colleagues at other national and international social justice advocacy organizations.  Depending on the campaign goals, activism can take the form of coordinated letter/email writing campaigns, organized nonviolent demonstrations and vigils, follow-up community education, shareholder actions, immersion trips, financial and technical assistance with educating & organizing workers and more.



EFJâs Store is the place for EFJ supporters to purchase quality goods while supporting businesses that treat workers with dignity and utilize environmentally sustainable business practices. Guaranteed to be produced under fair working conditions, items in EFJâs Store include EFJâs line of sweatshirts, t-shirts, and a range of other âsweat-freeâ and âfair-tradeâ products.

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