   You forgot to list Bruno's SweetHeart deal.  The $65,000 or so personl injury case Weldon approved when he was fire chief.  I believe that's why Bruno, Kate and John L approved the back pay for the convicted felon and still support him to this day.  He's a crook, but he's our crook should be their official motto.
     That's why I will vote for John Hamilton, Keady and myself, K.A. Denson, write in candidate for council.  And I still have 2 more votes to cast.

<<but I still find it interesting that all three local print media, (left, right, and center) are nearly unanimous in their endorsements.>>

It is not surprising that the Coaster, Asbury Park Press and TriCity have all endorsed the incumbents.  The people behind those decisions don't go to City Council meetings and don't investigate critical citizen concerns. Similar to our news on a national level, these newspapers report on "fluff" of the Michael Jackson variety or they simply skim the surface of the real issues or they just don't touch the issues at all.

I asked Nancy Shields for example, why she didn't include any of the issues that the challengers have brought up like the fact that our current council wants to sell oceanfront property for $400,000 to the developers.  She said it's already been reported in the past.

I also asked Nancy Shields why she didn't include in her article the fact that of the reportable donations Jim Keady received to date, 85% were from his parents and in-laws (my parents). She said she didn't want to go into that much detail on the personal contribution issue.

I asked Ellen Carroll (through my position as campaign manager for Keady for Council) if the Coaster would meet with Keady, Koperweis and Schneider before deciding who to endorse.  She said no, that the Coaster was at the first candidates' forum (Mt. Carmel) and they would make their decision based on that event - although each candidate spoke for roughly 5 -7 minutes in total.  Further, she wasn't even at that event - her parents were.

Here are some other facts:
- Terry Weldon, who engineered the redevelopment deal for the waterfront, and who also is a confessed felon, was Dan Jacobsen's Chief-of-Staff when he was an Assemblyman.

-Ellen Carroll formerly dated Jim Bruno only a few years ago

And these newspapers haven't included the following disclosures:

-Dane Hall, who writes for the Coaster, endorsed the same candidates that A.P.Action endorsed, cited the same reasons for the endorsements but never disclosed to his readers that he was one of the 14 founding members of A.P. Action.

-Tom DeSeno, who writes for the TriCity News, endorsed the incumbent ticket.  But he has not told readers that this ticket put him on the City payroll by contracting him as legal counsel to do worker's compensation cases.

In the past two weeks, I have told Dan Jacobsen and Ellen Carroll that these facts should be disclosed (about their columnists), and to date, neither of them have.

After speaking with both the Coaster and the TriCity, in my personal opinion, they have strong alliances to the incumbents which do not allow them to look objectively at information that points to their poor decisions as councilmembers. As for Nancy Shields, I believe she has good intentions but she has not done the investigative reporting that Asbury Park needs.  In short, I find there is little to no journalistic integrity in the newspapers that endorsed the incumbents.

Leslie Kretzu
608 Cookman Avenue

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