Don't bother Jim. 
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2005 12:02 PM
Subject: [AsburyPark] Responding to Tommy Deseno - Again

I had to respond to your last post as once again you are mischaracterizing what I wrote. 
First, you decontextualized my comment and call for humility.  When read in its entirety it is a sound challenge to anyone in our city.  If someone knows more than I do, I listen with significant deference to their expertise.  To be clear, the entire quote you cherrypicked is here.
<<Regarding our oceanfront redevelopment project, we should use the same approach.  We need to consider one's experience in redevelopment, real estate, historical preservation, commercial development, housing development, etc.  If you don't have experience in any of these areas it doesn't mean that you cannot or should not contribute to the conversation.  However, you also should be humble enough to realize that there may be people who know more than you because this is what they do day in and day out.>>
Perhaps another example would suffice for you.  If I were going to attempt to write a legal document and I had never done it before, it would be a smart, mature, and sound move on my part to seek out the advice of an attorney.  Does such humility in seeking out the advice of someone who knows more than me with regards to legal matters mean I am unintelligent and incapable?  No, in fact, I believe it shows that I am quite the opposite. 
You also wrote in your last post that I said:
<<Now in this post you say below that Asburu Park people can't make an "intelligent" decision.>> 
Show me the exact quote where I say "Asbury Park people can't make an intelligent decision." 
I don't want your interpretation of what I said, I want the direct quote lifted from my original copy.  You are claiming that this is what I said, I counselor, am asking for you to prove it.
Peace, JWK

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