Good Morning,
I just got the following email from YES! Magazine.  It's a publication that a colleague of mine helped to start and I thought this edition might spark some great ideas for folks in AP. 
Peace, Jim Keady
Dear Reader,

Have you ever seen a favorite place give way to a shopping mall or a neighborhood coffee shop get boarded up? Outside our cities, great places are turning into sprawl, while inside cities, poor neighborhoods suffer from abandoned buildings and lots.

The summer issue of
YES! magazine "What Makes a Great Place?" tells how people are changing this around. Some communities are installing green roofs, urban farms, and 6-story high murals. Others are building community where it didn't exist -- by making connections and sharing resources.

If you want to explore this topic with friends and neighbors, check out the
*Web-Only* discussion guide at or watch a film from the Film Connection

And if you're looking for gifts this spring -- check out our Dads, Grads, and Newlyweds gift subscription offer below.

Audrey Watson
Online Managing Editor,

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Five Ways to a Great Place
Why do some parks, main streets, and town centers become alive with activity and fun, while others become magnets for crime or traffic jams?

The New City Beautiful
It can happen in your neighborhood: Streetscapes blooming with wildflowers, industrial waterfronts transformed into parks, and creeks once again dancing with salmon. A green urban renaissance is growing.

Cities For All: An Interview with Angela Glover Blackwell
Policies that fight sprawl, says Angela Glover Blackwell, could bring new life to cities and inner-ring suburbs, diversify our neighborhoods, and save the environment. Read about this new movement creating livable communities that welcome people of all races, ages, and incomes.

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Dads, Grads, and Newlyweds - Gift Subscription Offer! Father's Day (June 19), graduation, a Spring wedding -- all great opportunities for sharing the vision of a positive future with a gift subscription of YES! magazine. Just $16 (regularly $24/yr for four issues) -- and we'll send a gift card in your name. Click on for details.

STAY CONNECTED to the YES! community. Renew your subscription at

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