Title: AOL Email
well if you don't know if he is qualified for the job or not , why are you downing him. When he was elected, i was there, and heard the downside from the people about his pay. You said that you only see a couple of police walking on the boardwalk, i say i see more. i ride everynight and check these things out. But i know there is racism in this city. i've seen it,heard of it, felt it. so don't say anything to me about racism.And if my statement was racist it's only because of what i've see and know. as far as proving it, i don't need to. travel around like i do and get the proof you need. I'm not racist, i'm just calling it the way i've seen it. Of course there are some great white people here as well as great blacks, but i'm speaking of the others who turn up their noses, don't speak, and mumble under their breaths. and like in the council meeting when he got the position said he doesn't deserve that type of pay.


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