
You need to send this report in to CNN and This is dynamite! People have been desperate just for water, alone! This is inhumane and indecent!

Sharon Boone


All my web names are registered with a company based in New Orleans.
I have been in constant communication with them.
They are a courageous bunch and dedicated to keeping our domain name servers up and running.  Our actual web servers are in California and unaffected by the hurricane.
However if the domain name servers go down all our sites are down.
These are the names I use .info .tv
there are others.  However these are those providing current info in the respected web sites.
Because of this I have been connected to a person in a building located in the heart of the disaster.  The following is an actual post from the New Orleans Area from very reliable and credible source.
Situtation is critical.

I'm not leaving, so stop asking. I'm staying. I am staying until this shitstorm has blown itself out. Period. End of discussion.
If anyone who works for or has connections with Bell South or Telcove is reading this, tell us what it's going to take to get those OC3s back up and running. We will try to coordinate and make it happen.
My first tactical mistake. We were unprepared to accept the fuel when it arrived. The fuel arrived way too soon for us and we did not have all the empty drums down one ground floor when they got here. The driver had other deliveries to make, so rather than waste his time, I told him we'd recoordinate and be ready for him later today or tomorrow.

That's the bad news. Here's the worse news:

All of our providers are dropping. We're down to one. We have enough fuel to keep us powered for a long time, but we could lose internet access soon if our last provider drops.

So I guess what I'm saying is that any moment could be my last moment online. If we do lose internet, Outpost Crystal might have to be abandoned by all but Sig and Myself. I've got to get Crystal out of here safely and relocated to someplace out of this state. I'm working on escape routes now.
Now for some updates:

1. Been too busy to debrief the police officer, so that will come later. Low priority now.

2. Buses loading people up on Camp Street to take refugees to Dallas, or so the word on the street (literally) is.

3. Dead bodies everywhere: convention center, down camp street, all over.

4. National Guard shoving water off the backs of trucks. They're just pushing it off without stopping, people don't even know it's there at first -- they drop it on the side in debris, there's no sign or distribution point -- people are scared to go near it at first, because the drop points are guarded by troops or federal agents with assault rifles who don't let people come near them, which scares people off. It is a mess. When people actually get to the water, they are in such a rush to get it that one family left their small child behind and forget about him until Sig carried him back to the family
I am not worried about my web sites going down - se le vie'
Let us keep these people in our thoughts and prayers.
I have instructed our advanced team to head home and had to wire them some money as they had to pay as much as 5.50 a gallon for gas today.
I will continue to provide info via email as aol is ok for now.
Reverend Kevin Brown
Lighthouse Mission - Long Branch
Operating The Long Branch Network & The Electric


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