JK's comment:

My point is, no one person is at fault here.  Certainly not the President....Don't take the ability to choose from people.  Fact is many chose to stay behind and unfortunately they suffered for it.  
from Harry Truman: "The buck stops here."
from Anne Rice:
"...a chorus of voices rose. 'Why didn't they leave?'...'Why did they stay there when they knew a storm was coming?'...'Why do people live in such a place?'...Now the voices grew even louder. 'How could people shoot one another?'...'What kind of people are these, the people of New Orleans, who stay in a city about to be flooded, and then turn on one another?'

"Well, here's an answer. Thousands didn't leave New Orleans because they couldn't leave. They didn't have the money. They didn't have the vehicles. They didn't have any place to go. They are the poor, black and white, who dwell in any city in great numbers; and they did what they felt they could do - they huddled together in the strongest houses they could find. There was no way to up and leave and check into the nearest Ramada Inn.

"What's more, thousands more who could have left stayed behind to help others. They went out in the helicopters and pulled the survivors off rooftops; they went through the flooded streets in their boats trying to gather those they could find."




========Original Message========
Subj: [AsburyPark] Responding to Skip
Date: 9/4/2005 9:50:42 AM Eastern Daylight Time
To: AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com
Sent on:   

In a message dated 9/4/2005 4:48:19 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com writes:
"Some people blamed the President for not responding to the needs of
the people who elected not to evacuate before the storm hit."

Rev KeV, perhaps you can enlighten the "people who elected not to
evacuate" and us as to how people without automobiles were to pack up
their families and belongings, and move several hundred miles to what?

We get that you're a true blue (or is that red) republican, likely
have personally heard the word of god and no doubt preach that your
particular god will help anyone that helps themselves; but all that
begs the question, should the "people who elected not to evacuate"
have robbed a bank so as to obtain the funds necessary to help themselves?
Public transportation was working before the storm.  I am sure their were emergency services available to assist people to comply...  if not than they should consider this before it happens again.  My point is, no one person is at fault here.  Certainly not the President.
SKIP really I am surprised at you...  I am not blue nor red.  Been both, and see the error of their ways. 
I hear from God as regularly as any man or woman tuned in.  I wish I heard clear enough to have warned some folks in The Gulf area about what was to happen, before it happenned.  But I ask you, even if God showed me ahead of time. like he showed Noah, how many do you think would have said; "Thank You Brother Brown, let me get out of here now!"  and how many do you think would have laughed at me? (at the very least)
As far as the Doctrine of God helps those that helps themselves... I do not subscribe to that and the proof that set me free on that silly notion was that JESUS DIED ONCE FOR ALL! 
Finally, Skip I have been downtown Long Branch among the extreme needy and I had a daughter living in the French Quarter for three years while she struggled with drugs if you must know.  Why I even mention this is because I was always amazed how the poor, even the addicted who have struggled for so long were always the ones with the greatest mobility and could pick up and get going before any one else.  One shopping cart at a time.
Don't take the ability to choose from people.  Fact is many chose to stay behind and unfortunately they suffered for it.
Happy Sunday
Kevin Brown

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