I see. You're a professional exploiter, just like Pat Robertson,
calling for the murder of Hugo Chavez, as long as your hat is full
when it's passed! Too bad they didn't snipe you, O white boy, holier
than thou or those "coloreds" as you call them. I'd like to see the
video of one of them "thugs" as you call them giving you a good old
fashioned ass-whipping! You deserve one! Pretending to be a man of
the cloth, to keep from holding a REGULAR job! How's your 501C3
status going? Have one! Got a EIN? I wished the FBI would wire me up
to catch you!
I doubt very much you really are Sharon Boone, you sound more like Mike Booth.  However, I never used the word "colored" in any post that I originated. 
Also this will be the last time I acknowledge anything you write, because quite frankly you have absolutely no credibility.  As for making fun of my skin color... "I forgive you."
As for your judgement of me, your wrong.  However your slanderous and racist remarks are filled with hate, a matter I am sure could be prosecuted against you.
As for your comments about my organization... you have no clue.
I would ask you post your true contact information so I can follow up your public assaults with a law suit.
Please speak only facts when you speak of me or I will defend my name and the name of my organization to the fullest extent of the law.
Rev. Kevin Brown
Lighthouse Mission
Long Branch, NJ

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