Dear Constituents:


I hope that each of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.  Here is my November Update, a progress report on the areas in which I am continuing to focus my energies.  I apologize that you are receiving the November update on December 1st.  I was lecturing in Philadelphia and Washington, DC the past few days and my attempts to email this to you from the road were unsuccessful on a number of occasions. 



·         Our current Police Director Lou Jordan has effectively finished his tenure in Asbury Park by using his remaining sick and vacation days through the month of December.  Our City Manager is now engaged in an aggressive search for a new Police Director.  During the recent League of Municipalities conference I was lucky enough to speak with a number of law enforcement officials from around the state and all of them have offered their help to us to ensure that Asbury Park gets the most competent Police Director available. 


·         This past week our City Manager made two very important promotions in our Police Department.  We now have Mark Kinmon as our Deputy Police Director and Christopher Van Buren as our Police Inspector.  Following these promotions I spoke with officers from our department, from Neptune, from the Prosecutor’s Office, and from the TNT Force.  Every one of them agreed that the promotion of these two officers was one of the best developments for our Police Department in years.  I wholeheartedly agree with them.  


·         During our November 14th City Council Meeting, I was very clear with former Deputy Chief Reed that I felt our Police Department failed our citizens, particularly our children, following the recent murder of Jerry Jules on DeWitt Avenue.  Certainly they should have increased their presence on DeWitt in the days after the murder to give the people in the neighborhood an increased sense of safety.  The Monday after the murder, when school was letting out, I was on DeWitt Avenue and there was not a police officer in sight.  I let Deputy Chief Reed know, in no uncertain terms, that this was unacceptable.  I also was critical of our lack of progress on curtailing the drug trade at the corner of Bangs and Prospect.  In recent days I have been pleased by what appears to be an increased police presence on that corner and I will continue to track progress here.  



  • On November 4th I had a very productive meeting with Stacey LaStella from the Red Bank YMCA and Robert Taylor from the Boys and Girls Club.  Our conversation was focused on establishing a unique partnership between these two organizations to provide a comprehensive swim program for children, adults and seniors at the Boys and Girls Club, as well as creating dynamic daytime programming (yoga, aerobics, etc.) for young mothers and seniors.  We are in the midst of preparing formal proposals for these programs and, if all goes well, we envision executing them in 4 to 5 months. 


  • I have made tentative arrangements for a meeting between Stacey from the YMCA and Susan Maynard from the West Side Community Center to see what possibilities there are for a programming partnership.  Once this meeting takes place, I will update you. 


  • I submitted a proposal to our City Manager and Director of Social Services to resurrect the Senior Ceramics Program.  It seems that we have just a few small hurdles to get over, but I am hopeful that this program will be active in the very near future. 


  • The City Recreation Department has recently begun an after-school program at the Asbury Park Middle School.  For more information, please contact Cheryl Pearsal at 732-502-5747.



  • In November I attended two meetings for the Asbury Works Advisory Board.  The first was our full board meeting at which we discussed a very impressive proposal by our Summer Jobs Subcommittee.  I am looking forward to this proposal getting to its final form and then being executed.  The second was with the At Risk Youth Subcommittee of which I am a member.  During this meeting we had a very enlightening discussion on the responsibilities of ours and the other subcommittees and we will be returning to the full committee with what we believe will be a more effective means of moving forward.  Once we report to the full committee on our findings, I am looking forward to sharing with you the details of what we propose.   


  • I recently requested a report from Tamara Richardson on the progress she has been making with the Asbury Works program and I was very pleased with the information she shared with me.  The following are highlights from Asbury Works actions prior to March 15, 2005:
    • Registered almost 700 people - approximately 50 were non residents and they were referred elsewhere;
    • Prescreened approximately 400 people with another 20 waiting to come in for prescreening; 206 have missed 2 prescreening appointments and follow up has been done by mail & phone;
    • Approximately 100 were admitted convicted felons and we will be addressing their special needs;
    • Education level of applicants was 7th grade thru College Graduates;
    • Time that applicants have been unemployed ranged from 2 days to 10 years;
    • 95 applicants have confirmed hires (27 youth) and more than 500 applicants have been referred to jobs;
    • More than 200 job openings are currently posted at Asbury Works;
    • More than 300 local companies were solicited to participate in our program. 


  • As per my request, I recently received a draft of a rent stabilization ordinance for Asbury Park from Mr. Connie Pascale from NJ Legal Services.  In the coming days I will review this, seek feedback from our city staff, and make a determination on how best to move forward. 


  • There was to have been a meeting of the Affordable Housing Committee this past month, but this did not materialize and I take full responsibility for not making this happen.  I will be sure that we meet in December.   


  • I have had very brief conversations with two local pastors about the idea I have for creating a “floating” homeless shelter through the winter months.  The idea I proposed was for us to get commitments from a number of churches to host the homeless for a set period of time (one week to one month) from 9pm – 6am each day.  The collaborating churches, from both within and outside Asbury Park, would provide space, volunteers, etc.  I also envision our city’s social services playing a role as well as the School of Social Work from Monmouth University, with the hope that we would help people beyond their current situation and get them the long-term support and stabilization that they need.  Given the positive feedback I have received to date, I now will formalize the idea on paper and begin to get concrete commitments. 



  • Because of my prior commitments for work, I was unable to attend the last two meetings of the Springwood Avenue Redevelopment Advisory Board.  I have received full reports from Councilman Johnson on the progress that has been made and I am looking forward to attending the December 8th meeting. 


  • I have had some exciting discussions this past month with Rev. Hunter from the S.T.A.R.S program about potential partnerships between S.T.A.R.S and the city.  The focus of these partnerships would be to help residents improve their capacity as active civic participants.  At the moment, we have one grant proposal in the pipeline for such a program and I am looking forward to expanding our collaboration.  As I wrote in my October Update to you, we can and should redevelop our buildings, but simultaneously, we must work to redevelop our people. 



  • I have continued to gather materials to establish that will include a range of information and resources for your use.  I hope to have this new site launched in the New Year. 


  • In the past month, there has been an increased amount of public documents available via our city website.  An example is the copy of the City’s new Master Plan that is under review.  The plan is available at:


While we have made some progress in getting more materials available to you on our website, we are nowhere near where I would like us to be and I will continue to work with our City Manager, City Clerk and City Webmaster to improve this.    


  • In the hopes of increasing person to person communication with city residents, I had my first constituent meeting this past month at the West Side Community Center.  I wish I could say that the meeting was held under better circumstances, but it was in response to the murder of Jerry Jules on DeWitt Avenue.  The weekend following his murder I organized a meeting of children and parents in the neighborhood who were impacted by the event to give them a chance to share their concerns with me.  During the meeting the kids and parents shared some of their feelings, fears, frustrations, etc.  I listened and then engaged them to see how we could work together to improve our city.  I was amazed at how insightful they were in some areas and how less than insightful they were in others.  The bottom line, we have a lot of work to do.  How can you help?  One way is to volunteer as a mentor, as we are in desperate need of mentors for our kids.  If this is something you are interested in, please drop me an email and I will connect you with a program. 


  • As always, I make myself available to citizens via my city email address [EMAIL PROTECTED] and my voicemail at City Hall, 732.502.5196 both of which are posted on the city’s website.



  • As some of you may be aware, there is an issue that has emerged at recent City Council Meetings regarding our Waterfront Redevelopment Plan, specifically the demolition of the C-8 building and the implications that this action has in relation to the development control plan.  There seems to be some confusion as to what language is actually in the plan regarding this site.  I believe this is critically important as the implications of the paragraph in question are potentially worth tens of millions of dollars.   To date, we have received reports from City staff and from representatives of Asbury Partners and I am not satisfied with the information I have received.  I still have, what I believe, are some very critical questions that have yet to be adequately answered.  As I am no expert in this area, I will be seeking help from outside agencies for an investigation into this matter.  I am hoping that we can come to a conclusion on this in the near future and move forward in good faith. 


  • As I shared with you last month, I will continue to utilize my method for increasing accountability at City Hall.  For any issue that I would like personally addressed or any issue that is brought to my attention by a citizen, I prepare and send a memo to the City Manager and periodically follow up on these memos during the Workshop portion of our bi-monthly public meetings.  To date, this has been an effective means of having issues addressed. 


This past month was a light one for sending my “action items” to our City Manager as my work schedule was particularly intense.  In the coming weeks I will have a number of new items to send his way and I will be sure to include them in December’s Update.  This month’s included:


    • Waterfront Redevelopment Agreement – Copies of Plans
    • YMCA – Follow Up




On November 15th I attended the NJ League of Municipalities Conference in Atlantic City.  It was a wonderful experience for me and I learned quite a bit despite the fact that I was only able to attend one full day of the conference.  During my time at the conference, I attended at least part of the following workshops:


  • Orientation: Getting the Most from Your Conference Experience
  • Can you Hear Me Now? Communications Skills for Elected Officials
  • The Future of the Tourism Industry in New Jersey
  • Special Improvement Districts (SIDS) – 101
  • Options for Tax Reform – What Can We Expect? 


Each of these workshops was very helpful and I am looking forward to taking the information that I learned in them and applying it to our efforts in Asbury Park.  I also spent about two hours wandering the exhibition hall and I gathered some useful information from vendors that could provide key services to our city.  I will be sorting through all the information I gathered and then discussing with my fellow Councilmembers and the City Manager who we would like to follow up with.   On the whole, it was a very exciting and enlightening experience and I am looking forward to attending next year’s conference. 



Each year in Asbury Park a silent candlelight vigil and walk is held in the City. Those walking will gather at Asbury Park's City Hall (One Municipal Plaza, across from the Post Office) on Main Street between 6pm and 7pm, on December 1st. At 7 pm the participants will begin to walk along Main Street to Trinity Episcopal Church where an Interfaith Service is held beginning at 7:30 pm.

The walk is sponsored by CheckMate and the Interfaith Service is sponsored by The Center in Asbury Park.

The World AIDS Day theme this year is "Stop AIDS: Keep the Promise." The theme is an appeal to governments and policy makers to ensure they meet the targets they have agreed to in the fight against HIV and AIDS as well as a challenge to all of us to continue in our dedication to care for our brothers and sisters living with HIV/AIDS.

We are reminded to keep our energy level up in the battle against discrimination, ignorance and fear that surrounds this disease and those infected and affected by HIV.

If you can participate, please join us at City Hall or meet up with the walkers at Trinity Church (503 Asbury Avenue).

And if you're not able to join us, here are some things you can do to support World AIDS Day.

* Raise Awareness of HIV and AIDS in your area.
* Wear a red ribbon and ask others to do the same.
* Protect yourself and your partners - this is the first and best way to stop the spread of HIV
* If you are worried, get tested.


p.s. I would like to thank the folks at the Q Spot for passing along this info to me.



  • Please attend City Council meetings on the first and third Wednesdays of the month.  The Workshop Session begins at 6pm and the Regular Public Meeting begins at 7pm.  It is important that we have as many informed citizens as possible and your participation in these meetings is invaluable. 
  • If you are interested in helping with any of the initiatives listed above, please email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call me at 732.502.196 and I will be sure to get you involved in a meaningful way. 
  • Send this “Councilmember Keady - November Update” to at least one other person from Asbury Park and ask them to join my constituent email list by contacting me at [EMAIL PROTECTED].  If you know someone that does not use email, print this out and give it to them.  Then ask them to mail me their contact information at Councilmember Keady ~ 1 Municipal Plaza ~ Asbury Park, NJ 97712 and I will be sure to keep in touch with them. 


I hope this update is helpful to you.  Remember, together, we can and will make Asbury Park great again! 



Peace, JWK



Councilmember James W. Keady

1 Municipal Plaza

Asbury Park, NJ 07712

TEL: 732.502.5196





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