I greet you all warmly this evening, both spiritually and physically.
I fired up the furnace in the hall.  The Hall is where previous owners of 162 Broadway had parties, dances, dinners, ceremonies and the like all when it was occupied as a fraternal group named "Ring 36".  It was a boxing enthusists club house and gathering place up until the mid 70's when it closed.
From when it's members used the Hall until we bought the building in 1994, no one has used the Hall until tonight!
True the Court of Judge William Walls ruled in favor of Long Branch and dismissed our RLUIPA and Consitutional claims on December 7, 2005 - opining that the sale of alcoholic beverages in clubs, bars, saloons and lounges are more important to the future of The City than love, nuture, solice, support and prayer.  Obviously to me it is a set back. 
In any event, I still live here, and the building is still owned by the Church I am minister of.
So, the Hall is open and warm.
Anyone who has no where else to be tonight, New Year's Eve by all means you are welcome to drop by.
162 Broadway is on the same block as Siperstiens in Long Branch, NJ
I am on the second floor.  Walk up the stairs under the Lighthouse Mission Sign and walk in to the second door.  "Knock and it shall be open to you."
I am not going to preach, Iam just mellowing out in the name of the Lord.
If you need prayer - we can pray.  Otherwise we will just fellowship together in a manner as use to be sacred in the early church.
Those of you who get this and can not make it, join us in spirit as we shout "End Eminent Domain Abuse in 2006."
I will also be leading a prayer to enter 2006 with God's Blessing on us all.
Happy New Year
Rev. Kevin Brown
162 Broadway, Long Branch, NJ

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