Joe, to deny that the mayor showed favoritism to the woman who spoke against Rita by applauding her comments is, in fact, to deny the reality of what happened at the meeting.  Also, to deny that this was racist on his part is to deny the reality of what he does and has done at previous meetings. 
Case in point, the meeting where he allowed a woman in a red  dress to trash an older woman in working clothes.  We have also witnessed many times when certain people were allowed to go beyond the 3 minute limit at the mike and others were told to sit down or be removed from the room.
You have a short memory, my friend, or else you just don't want to see what is  in front of your nose.  My whole point is that as an elected official of the city, he owns it to his constituency to be fair to everyone regardless of his/her ethnic background.  As to your remark about my "constituency," need I remind you that I do not hold a public office and therefore am not held to the same standards of behavior as the mayor  of our city.  And not for nothing, Joe, you really need to watch your use  of the word "everyone"  as in "everyone in the room laughed."  Only three, maybe four people joined the mayor in what he thought (in his ignorance and theirs) to be a  "funny" comment. Only 2 where clapping their hands. 
Really, Joe, for someone who claims to be so interested in the "facts," you leave a lot to be desired!

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