Title: [AsburyPark] Re: Maynard Drops Out of School Board Race
At 2:03 PM +0000 3/7/06, bluebishop82 wrote:
Really?  No opinion?  She has been a Board of Ed member for years,
including an ex-President, and the only highlight her career gets is
"Susan Maynard has often been involved in shouting matches with
members of the public particularly when the issue at hand is DiSanto
or gay or lesbian issues. At one meeting Maynard stormed out of a
board meeting when she became too upset with comments from a member
of the public."

Didn't she storm out when someone began attacking her parenting


But your observation is noted. How about I re-write that paragraph like this:

Recently, Susan Maynard, a long-time school board member who once served as the president of the board, has been involved in shouting matches with members of the public particularly when the issue at hand is DiSanto or gay or lesbian issues. At one meeting Maynard stormed out of a board meeting when she became too upset with comments from a member of the public.

I'll leave it up to someone else to list Mrs. Maynard's other career highlights.

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