well said

bluebishop82 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dan I was Ok with your post until I got to the last sentence
alleging that there are people who let the City "fall around them"
and that only "outsiders" are smart enough to know the value of the
City. The problem that led to where we were in year 2001 pre-dated
everyone.  Most (not all) of the problems were caused by matters
outside AP's control.

-Bradley split the town in two (east/west) and there were newspaper
reports of racial tensions in the 1800's in AP. The east/west
dichotomy has always been a problem.

-AP didn't build the Garden State Parkway that hurt us.

-AP didn't invent air conditioners in cars that hurt us.

-AP didn't invent hippies and Rock n' Roll, which in the 60's drove
families off the beach when drugged-out freaks started sleeping on
the beach.

-Although originally it was AP's fault for denying Ocean Twp. a seat
on our Board of Ed, nothing would have stopped Ocean from building
their own high school later anyway, creating middle class flight.

-AP didn't close Marlboro Hospital.

-Three days of vandalism on Springwood Avenue that one summer in
1970 wasn't a public policy of AP, and wasn't performed by more than
99.9% of the people that lived here. 

- Asbury Park didn't draft the 1986 Tax Act that eventually killed
the Carabetta redevelopment (Democrat Bill Bradley wrote it and
Republican Ronald Reagan signed it. Blame them).

-AP didn't write the unconstitutional decisions of the Commissioner
of Education that segregated our High School (although shame on us
for not challenging in Federal Court of 10 straight years).

- Asbury Park didn't write the Land Use Laws that allowed Sea
Bright, Long Branch, Bradley Beach and Belmar to move from resort
town to residential town, thus taking Monmouth County out of the
Rolodex of every travel agent in the country.  Ocean County's
tourism dollars nearly triple Monmouth County's today because of it.

To say that AP was lost because of some defect in the folks that
live here is wrong.  Every major City in NJ fell into disrepair -
Newark, Camden, Jersey City, Atlantic City, Hoboken.  Were they all
just untalented people? None of them as smart as you Dan? They are
all in different phases of redevelopment now, AP included.

How many times has NYC bankrupted itself?  Was that because you and
your neighbors are stupid? While I think not, by your standards, yes.

Fred isn't the first one to take offense to your condescension about
the locals here.  I was.  Obviously I'm not alone if only 3 people
are clapping for you.

I admit you are a bright guy, and I'm certain if you lost the very
unnecessary "you people are stupid and I'm smart" routine I'd find
it easier to clap for you too, as would others. It might make you
feel good to say it, but it's false and you accomplish nothing else
with it.

Speaking of accomplishments, your claimed track record so far is
holding up construction of the Esperanza 3 or 4 months, and a
promise to hold up AP's redevelopment in the future. That's not
helping AP.

As an aside, your friend Smothers at the NY Times is quite lacking. 
He cited only you as an Asbury Park resident in his last column. 
I'm willing to bet you haven't slept overnight in AP 200 times yet
(a year and a half you've been here, mostly on weekends, so I'm
pretty confident in that bet).  That makes you the spokesperson for
AP residents?

I'll make you a promise.  If Smothers does another article on AP and
mentions only you and not some actual locals, I'll take up the issue
of the "marker" Smothers apparantly owes you with the New Your Times
Public Ombudsman. That's what he is there for.

Please notify Smothers of my intentions.

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, "dfsavgny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, "Fred" <asburydogma@> wrote:
> >
> > Sorry but the vast majority of RESIDENTS are like me.
> Complacent? Sheepish? I hope not.
> > Speaking of assholes the people who I talk to think your one by
> the way you act and sound at council meetings
> Are you speaking to council members, Aaron or Fishman?
> > the only people who clap for you is Rita
> > Gerry and Maureen, good following.
> I'm not running a popularity contest. I speak the truth no matter
> who likes it or not. If that is all that are with me then fine,
> three are good people who care about this city. But even if alone,
> would continue to speak.
> > Mr know it all from NY big deal.
> No big deal. I don't need the attention. I know a lot about real
> estate, that's it. More than Asbury Partners and our city
> government. I also know right from wrong and when smoke is being
> blown up my ass.

> > Just another carpetbagger.
> I guess it takes outsiders to see the inherent value of the city.
> But I resent your remark. Carpetbaggers take. I gave. I pay taxes
> and have just as much a right as anyone here no matter how long
> have been here. You don't like it? Move. The longer you've been
> and done nothing or kept quiet while all fell around you, the more
> you are to blame.

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