Posting endless messages how Asbury was or complaining how the city signed everything away is not going to help the future.  Yes memories are great and we can hope that people will learn from mistakes. But enough bitching and wake up and realize a new agreement will not be created and signed by both parties.  Here is an issue where people can come together and make a difference.  This is where an effort could make a difference.
I am willing to help out for this cause in anyway possible and I will leave work early to attend the meeting.

traderdube <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
A concerned group of people are doing all they can to save the historic
Baronet Theater in Asbury Park.   It is important that as many people as
possible show up at *_Asbury Park's City Hall this Wednesday evening at
6PM and speak out against the further destruction of Asbury's glorious
historic past. _* **  *_BACKGROUND INFORMATION:_* Opened in 1913 as a
vaudeville house, the Baronet was originally called
the Ocean Theatre. In the 1960s, it enjoyed a reputation as the towns
art film house, but by the 70's the Baronet was showing films of a
somewhat shadier nature. By the end of the decade, it was pretty much
out of business. It was bought and renovated in 1953 by the Walter Reade
theater chain. . In 1986 Walter Burns and Maurice Giberson bought The
Baronet and lovingly restored it to it's art deco glory. However, The
City of Asbury Park would not issue them a Certificate of Occupancy and
they finally sold it to Pat Fasano.  Pat Fasano is known for having
restored buildings in Ocean Grove and much of Cookman Avenue. Pat is a
construction guy who specializes in restoration and rehabilitation of
historic buildings and that is what he is doing at The Baronet.   _*THE
OPPOSITION:*_ Sadly, the spectra of Eminent Domain is hovering over the
theater. Asbury Partners, upon learning of Pat's acquisition,
immediately set the wheels of condemnation upon not only The Baronet,
but the Fast Lane and the Wonder Bar. Larry Fishman is on record as
stating that the 3 buildings on 4th Avenue be knocked down, paving the
way for condominiums. This sadly includes the Bowling Alley.    _*WE
NEED YOUR HELP...*_ We all need to show up at the meeting on
*Wednesday, April 19, 6:00pm* and during the public portion of the
meeting where every citizens gets 3 minutes at the microphone, we can
urge the Mayor and Council to vote against condemning Asbury's treasures
and let us open the Baronet as a community theater that will positively
impact every person and every business in Asbury Park. In every
community across the country, urban renewal success stories have been
built around the revitalization of theaters as communities rally to save
these historic treasures.    The Baronet restoration is almost complete
with new fire doors, roof and fresh paint all around. There will be a
new screen, new projectors, a new ticket booth and new carpeting
installed in the coming weeks and the Baronet will be ready to open
in early May.   The Save The Baronet Project is in full swing and we
need the support of every concerned citizen to come to the Wednesday
night meeting and voice their concern over the sterilization
of  waterfront.  
For more information or for a tour of the Baronet, please call Dennis
Dubrow at 732-996-6843.

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