TO: all Anti Eminent Domain Abuse Citizens:
For those of you that would be interested.  Paul Panday, Rainbow Liquors and Rev. Kevin Brown, Lighthouse Mission, both located on Lower Broadway filed a law suit on Monday which puts the NJ State Statute that has caused Local Government the opportunity to abuse Eminent Domain in the first place.
If anyone is interested in this case I have put it online in a PDF format.  You can look at it by going to and clicking on the hyper text link under "Property Owners Sue State."
We have filed including "John Doe" Plaintiffs A - Z - this enables others to join in this action.  If your group wishes to participate in the action contact.  Michael S. Kasanoff, Esq., Red Bank, NJ 732.747.5348.  Or you can call Paul & myself directly.
We will be seeking the assistance of the Public Advocate in this matter.
This is a gutsy move in as much as no one has ever attempted to tackle the State while Challenging the Local Ordinances.  Ordinances # 5-06 passed in Long Branch by City Council on February 28, 2006, is being challenged.  We have also opted to include the actual designated developer.
This types of actions, most actions actually, come with no guarantee.  However, while we have all taken our fight first to our local officials.  Than to our State Representatives and on to our State House ... we felt it was time to take it to court as well.
Rev. Kevin Brown
For God and Private Property
Long Branch, NJ 07740

Protecting Private Property (The PPP)
A Grassroots Citizens Group
732.222.6224 - 732.822.7161
Moratorium Now!


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