Well Dube,

I won't resort to swearing at you and calling you names (As you have), but you just obviously know nothing about people are struggling to survive and can't because of forces out of their control!

In this case, it's the "Big Machine" of  Redevelopment being controlled by Asbury Partners, MD-Sass and the People in City Hall and on the City Council who Bow to them and give them what they Want!

You must have a Lot of Money to feel impervious to whatever happens!

Good Luck! You're obviously a good money maker (I assume), but maybe not a very good person!

P.S.-Asbury Partners even tried to screw Henry Vaccaro and his partner who own the old Salvation Army Building, by taking that building which is NOT in the Redevelopment Zone!  Now they're trying to screw Pat Fasano , too, and guess what, he's nothing near Poor!  They also screwed my Landlords by taking a Condo Complex which was totally renovated on Second Ave. ...By my Landlords.

You LOVE to make sleep with the Devil, don't you?

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, traderdube <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> your such an ass, rents aren't to high, customers are afraid to come to
> asbury because of the criminal element controlling the streets, many of
> whom are the homeless....
> Steve wrote:
> > Chris,
> >
> > It's probably a Total waste of time to try and convince a Conservative
> > Republican of anything, because part of conservatism is that someone
> > who is will NOT change their mind no matter HOW much evidence you give
> > them!
> >
> > The only thing that I can tell you is that I've been in Asbury Park
> > since 1996, and since the Redevelopment was signed in 2002, Crime has
> > escalated and gotten much worse, NOT better! The City scape-goated
> > our former Police Director, and fired him to cover their butts. True,
> > he may NOT have been the best guy for the job. But the increases in
> > Crime CAME from putting people up against the wall with no way to pay
> > their bills, particularly their Rents! Any Human Being, or Animal,
> > for that matter, who is put up against a wall with NO way out will
> > react badly!
> >
> > And there are a large percentage of People who WORK, many over 40
> > hours a week, who are in the same boat with not being able to pay
> > their Rent due to the fact that Rents increased about 60% in the past
> > 3-4 Years!
> >
> > And Chris, how do you explain all of the Businesses who can't make it
> > because Their Rents are too high? Those People work WELL over 40 ours
> > per week and still can't make it in many cases. One I know has their
> > Business up for Sale while he CAN sell it, because the guy sees the
> > writing on the Wall and realizes that as a "Mom & Pop" neighborhood
> > type of business, he will NOT be able to keep up with the price
> > increases much longer!
> >
> > Since you evidently are assuming that ALL People of Color are
> > criminals, it's useless to try and convince any racist that there are
> > MANY People of Color who work MANY hours per week at legitimate Jobs,
> > yet you dismiss them as just "Not Counting"! In fact, approximately
> > 80% of the minorities, excluding Seniors and the Disabled ARE working
> > in Asbury! But they can't CUT it even when working, hence most are
> > now in "Overcrowded" Housing. That then makes them easy pray and
> > targets for Code Enforcement, just one more way to enact sleazy Racism
> > to get them OUT of town! Don't get me wrong, in MANY cases there's a
> > legitimate reason for code enforcement to crack down! The Biggest is
> > in the case of Slum Lords!
> >
> > If you want to get a Copy of a Report that is done Every Year on the
> > Status of the economic situation in NJ, Chris, just call the
> > Anti-Poverty Network at 732-572-9100! Rutgers also does a more
> > general type of report on the same thing.
> >
> > Bottom line in NJ is that it requires $42,000 per year now to support
> > a two bedroom apartment with 2 Adults and one Child. And right now,
> > 50% of NJ's population are unable to just pay their BASIC Monthly
> > Bills (Rent/Mortgage, Food, Utilities, Car, Medical) ... Almost all
> > of whom are below that $42,000 threshold!
> >
> > As mentioned before, the Median Income here in Asbury Park is only
> > $24,000, which puts a LOT of People in BIG Trouble when Rents skyrocket!
> >
> > So Chris, what do you suggest? Should we talk some town into putting
> > up a "Tent City" nearby where we can store all of the people with less
> > than a $42,000 Household Income?
> >
> > You're TOTALLY missing the fact that the Minimum Wage is WAY too low,
> > in addition to the need for Rent Control here! JUST with the normal
> > increases of inflation from 1970 till now, the minimum wage should be
> > at $14/ hr. right now. Since Real Estate doubles every 8-10 years on
> > Average, which is the biggest indicator of inflation (Other than
> > something like Oil prices), the minimum wage would have had to double
> > three times since 1970 (When it was $1.75) to hit $14 now (In 36
> > Years). A $25,000 House in 1970 is worth $750K to $1 M now, so figure
> > it out for yourself!
> >
> > You may put on your thinking Cap and ask *"Well, where does all of
> > that Extra Money that's NOT being paid to the Poor & Middle Classed
> > GO"*? ... It's very simple ..... to the Rich! 5% of our Population
> > now own over 90% of ALL Property, Businesses and Money itself (Stock
> > in many cases). While, at the same time, over 15 Million People have
> > slid from Middle Classed to Poor, and another 40 Million have slid to
> > the very Bottom of barely being Middle Classed!
> >
> > 45 Million have NO Medical Insurance and 25 Million more are
> > underinsured! 2% have enough savings and investments to guarantee a
> > safe retirement. 40% of seniors right now are living in Poverty, and
> > that percentage is growing as time goes on! And most of them worked
> > for most of their lives, or were housewives (Which is the hardest work
> > on Earth).
> >
> > Well, Chris, I don't know how much money you personally have saved up,
> > but I guess until you're old and broke you will have NO Idea of what's
> > REALLY going on, not just in Asbury Park, but in our Country! ALL of
> > the Security has been taken away, whether you work 60 hours a week, or
> > are on any form of "assistance". Even regular Social Security IS
> > Welfare, by definition, but that System is the most successful and
> > BEST in the World, yet the Republicans want to destroy it!
> >
> > Ever hear of the Interfaith Hospitality Network, Chris? They help to
> > house whole Homeless Families, and the bulk of their clientele are
> > formerly working People who just "Fell through the Cracks". And that
> > type of Homelessness is the BIGGEST growing form of Homelessness in
> > the State right now!
> >
> > By the way, Chris, Crime is on the rise State Wide right now! And it's
> > because of the SAME thing that affects it here in Asbury Park.
> > POVERTY is increasing! Gang Membership is Increasing! Crime is
> > Increasing because people are desperate! Millions of People who COULD
> > "Make it " just 3 years ago, Cannot anymore! There aren't enough Jobs
> > that pay enough to survive to go around! The Rich and the "New World
> > Order" have purposely made SURE of that!
> >
> > I used to work in the Computer Industry. It was one of the Biggest
> > Pluses for our Country. NOW, when you call Verizon Online Tech
> > Support, or Norton Tech Support, you get INDIA on the other end! They
> > speak broken English and are under trained. BUT, they make the
> > Stockholders get Richer, while taking away Millions of US Jobs in the
> > Process (Collectively).
> >
> > We used to make the best TV's, Computers, Radio's ... Everything
> > electronic, in the World ... Aside of European Companies like
> > Phillips. Now, it's mostly made in China .... Because the Labor is
> > Cheap! But we are now losing the ENTIRE High Tech Industry to the
> > Eastern Countries! Not only THAT, but they make unlicensed copies of
> > everything, and we can't even SUE them!
> >
> > When is this ignorant bunch of Conservatives out there who are losing
> > ground themselves going to realize that the SAME People that they have
> > elected are selling them OUT? Anyone who makes less than $240,000 per
> > year now is actually financially HURT by the Republican Party! How
> > many People do you know, Chris, who make that much?
> >
> > Studies prove over the past 35 Years that Cities with Rent Control,
> > Multi-Level Affordable Housing and who Create Living Wage Jobs for
> > their People are the MOST successful! It's all out there on the
> > Internet to look up for those who WANT to see & know the Truth!
> >
> > This Action in Asbury Park is Gentrification, basically Genocide,
> > without the killing! It's Targeted AT the Minorities, and particularly
> > at Afro-Americans! The People doing it KNOW it, yet sell their Souls
> > just to get Rich! And I REALLY don't know how People like our City
> > Manager, Mr. Reidy, sleep at night! Him and 3/5's of our City Council
> > have already sold their Souls for MONEY!
> >
> > Good luck, Chris! Write me back when you someday fall upon tough
> > times, OK? Not that I wish you to, it's just that it WILL happen!
> > When People get pleasure out of persecuting the weakest people in
> > Society .... For their Financial Benefit .... It's pathetic!
> >
> > Let's just face a little reality, too, here Chris, OK? You BAILED on
> > Asbury, you don't LIVE here anymore, you don't know 90% of what's
> > really happening, so WHY just be a back seat judge of what "Should"
> > happen here when you're not even qualified to put forth an educated
> > opinion? You said crime was better here? It went up the last 4 years
> > in a row! And the Primary Underlying factor in that entire Period was
> > the Redevelopment and it's financial pressures on all the People
> > here! Many Middle Classed People sold their homes because they
> > couldn't afford the gigantic Tax Increases since 2002! But the Poor
> > HAVE nothing to sell!
> >
> > /*Peace,
> > */
> >
> > /*Steve*/
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, Chris kingsqueak@ wrote:
> > >
> > > Don't fool yourself too much here.
> > >
> > > What you're saying is true of NJ in general re: flight and how hard it
> > > is to just get by. However, my memories of Asbury Park are those
> > > where one couldn't park one's car for four hours without the window
> > > being smashed in by a crackhead. I had my own car window smashed in,
> > > not six feet from where I was standing all night long. Generally by
> > > the child of one of the so-called low-wage 'workers' that lived there.
> > > The place was a section 8 madhouse.
> > >
> > > I watched a 'family' walking down the street while mom watched the
> > > kids throwing rocks through the windows of businesses and her children
> > > beating the glass windows on the cars parked on the side of the road
> > > with a piece of rebar. This in broad daylight about 12pm on a
> > > Saturday. Kids 12yrs old at the max. A citizen tried to stop these
> > > kids and the police were called. Guess who the police hassled... Joe
> > > Citizen that was trying to make it a better place, they actually
> > > threatened the guy with some bull about menacing a child. These
> > > weren't children, they were animals, raised just like their animal
> > > mother wanted.
> > >
> > > I watched almost every Friday and Saturday night as at least two
> > > police cruisers sat accross from Pizza Plus and just sat idly by as
> > > near riots took place. "Low wage workers" in traffic lanes, throwing
> > > bottles at the passing cars, basically wilding in plain sight.
> > > Stabbings, shootings, they just watched it happen. They should have
> > > sand bagged a .50 cal on that corner and started cleaning up the gene
> > > pool. Instead, I'm betting that scumhole is still in business.
> > >
> > > Good riddance to bad trash. I've only recently heard that I might be
> > > able to go visit my friend the business owner in town as a lot of the
> > > crackheads are finally leaving and without a 20yr old car, I might be
> > > able to trust parking my current one on the street for an hour or so.
> > > I haven't been back to visit in almost ten years...I worked in town
> > > for five.
> > >
> > > Be careful what you wish for. The rosy eyed view of multiculturalism
> > > isn't very sharp vision in the context of Asbury Park. Just as with
> > > Red Bank and Freehold, the rising rents will clean the town out and
> > > make it a safe place to be again. The poor bastard that took my job
> > > in town was beaten pretty badly just outside the door of the busines
> > > while he was trying to just work and mind his own business.
> > >
> > > The housing market and rent prices are out of control in NJ, but
> > > fixing prices and handing people housing won't do a thing for anyone
> > > but lower the quality of life overall. I've served in law
> > > enforcement, I've worked nights in the club scene, and I've served
> > > many years as a volunteer with EMS and fire depts. Until you yourself
> > > have seen up close and personal how people live and behave in
> > > subsidized housing, you shouldn't wish for this to happen. If you
> > > actually have seen how they live under these conditions, you are a
> > > fool to wish for it for Asbury Park or you live a safe distance from
> > > town.
> > >
> > > Go up to NYC and see what de-regulation of rents has done for the
> > > city. It's simply stunning. I worked up there for six years recently
> > > and it's actually safe again in major sections of Brooklyn of all
> > > places. This is due to having neighborhoods turn over to people with
> > > jobs, who get up every day and have respect for what they've earned.
> > > It's too expensive to pay rent on public assistance...and it's
> > > working.
> > >
> > > If you never saw Asbury in it's 'prime', go take a drive through
> > > Camden or Trenton, they are both in their public housing, subsidized
> > > program glory still. Better yet, leave your windows down so the
> > > 'citizens' can come right up and thank you, personally, for making
> > > their subsidized lives so wonderful. Gee, why doesn't Corzine live in
> > > Trenton? He's perpetuating this caste system of economics like any
> > > good Democrat, yet he and his family aren't living two blocks from the
> > > capital building. I wonder why?
> > >
> > > The economic bubble will eventually level out, it's how the machine
> > > works. If you start handing things to people, it becomes a cancerous
> > > growth on the economy and serves no one.
> > >
> > > On 7/22/06, Steve asburysteve2001@ wrote:
> > > > Friends,
> > > >
> > > > From a purely BUSINESS perspective, what happens when SO many Moderate
> > > > to Low Income People are Chased OUT of our Area, that there's a Severe
> > > > Shortage of People to RUN Businesses which REQIRE them?
> > > >
> > >
> >

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